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If I said Camilo was angry that would be an understatement.

He was beyond furious.

He closed the door to his room with a loud bang before falling face first on his bed.

He opened his palm revealing the half broken candy.

He couldn't stop the growing scowl on his face.

He had no candy and his day was ruined.

All thanks to a random boy and a sleepy cashier.

"Hello? m-may I come in?" A low voice spoke through the doors.

The sad boy groaned in response and Delores slowly opened the door.

"I really don't think it's a good idea to bang the door so loudly, especially when you have a sister that.....oh I don't know...can hear your temper tantrums from all the way in Japan!" Delores slightly yelled while crossing her arms.

"Sorry Delores it's just that-"

"I know, I know, I could literally hear you dragging a piece of candy from an Innocent citizen"

Camilo scoffed and scrunched his nose up in offense.

"Look at the bright side"

Delores moved slightly closer to Camilo and rapped her arm around his shoulders.

"At least you'll get as many Candies as you want once they restalk, you just got to be patient"

Camilo rolled his eyes and groaned before once again collapsing face first on his bed.

"But I wanted Candy today! I got up early and everything! ¡No es justo! (It's not fair!)"

Delores sighed before getting up and walking towards the door.

"Maybe tomorrow will be better" She smiled before exiting the room.

❣Sugar Coated❣ [C.Madrigal]✔Where stories live. Discover now