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«𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐨'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕»

"Can I sit here?" I asked gasping for air. I can't believe I ran all the way here, Lord I hate exercise.

He nodded, signaling that it was ok to sit down.

I sat down next to him and tried to catch my breath.

"Who are they?" I asked referring to the three strangers in front of me.

"Oh! These are my friends" He excitedly pointed towards them, "This is Elijah" He smiled while pointing towords a boy with ash blonde hair, slightly tanned skin and piercing ice blue eyes.

"He's a hopeless pansexual" He added.

"He's fun, caring, stupid and annoying as heck. Sadly there's no changing him, believe me I've tried."

"The evil witch who is probably planning my death is Creda" He then pointed at a black haired girl with slightly faint white locks and black eyes that seemed mysterious, dull and magical all at the same time, she also had black skin that resembled chocolate milk.

"She's a highly intelligent Omnisexual"

"Let's just say..she needs anger management and possibly a therapist, if I say anything else she'll probably kick me under the table."

I chuckled slightly as Creda shot me an Innocent look that just screamed 'I would do no such thing'

"And last but not the least Xavier"

He said while pointing to a silver eyed boy with dark brown curly hair and skin that looked similar to mine but just a bit darker.

"His sexuality is still in questioning"

"His personality is indescribable, but he's my favorite among all of them" He winked at me while slightly whispering the last part.

❣Sugar Coated❣ [C.Madrigal]✔Where stories live. Discover now