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(Your name) shot up from bed, his eyes scanned the room in panic.

"(Your name) are you alright?"

The panicked boy spun his head to the side only to be met with the tired worried eyes of Camilo Madrigal.

"What? When- how did you-"

"Dude calm down."

"Is Creda ok?!"

Camilo stared at the love of his life in confusion, "You must have had a nightmare or something, the last thing that happened was you walking in here looking all bothered and shit."

'so it was all just a fucked up dream?'

(Your name) sighed in relief and went layed back down next to his dazed friend.

"You know something Camilo?"


"You're driving me insane." He chuckled and gave the shapeshifter a quick peck on the lips.

"Aw man don't start with that shit again."

(Your name) looked up at Camilo innocently.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"So how long are we gonna keep this up?"


"How long are we going to keep doing these non friendly things and still label ourselves as friends?"

(Your name) shrugged.

"I don't know, how long is it gonna take for you to man up and ask me out pretty boy?"

Camilo sighed and wrapped his arms around the other's waste.

"Ok, fine."

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Now it was Camilo's turn to peck the other on the lips before staring back awaiting an answer.

"Hm I don't know." The boy shrugged and dragged the tips of his finger along the other boys collarbone.

"Just answer already (Your name)" Camilo chuckled slightly already knowing the answer.

"Ok fine, I'll go out with you."

The two boys shared a quick kiss before staring into each other's eyes.

"You're so obsessed with me Cami."

"Am not."

"Am too."


"Did you just say stfu in real life?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Our future children are gonna be so ashamed of their father."

"I assume you already have names?"

"Awe how did you know?"

"Go to bed dude."

Suddenly a pillow flew through the air and made it's way to Camilo's face with a loud thud.

"I'm to tired for this shit." He sighed and through a pillow back at his new boyfriend.

Although everything seemed happy, (Your name) was trying to overlook the feeling that his dream meant something.

And why was it about Creda committing suicide?

He had this nagging feeling that his brain was trying to tell him something.

But what?

❣Sugar Coated❣ [C.Madrigal]✔Where stories live. Discover now