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(Your name) had a suprise planned for the shapshifter, He was quite sure he'd enjoy it.

He had gotten up early to ask said Shapshifter if he was ok with hanging out with him for the day.

He knocked on the door gently, as he was aware that his sister had sensitive ears.

He watched in anticipation as Delores slowly opened the door.

"I'm here to see Camilo, i-if that's alright.." He said mustering up the courage to talk.

She squeaked in response as she closed the door and went to get Camilo.

"CAMILO YOU'RE BOYFRIEND'S HERE!" She yelled, mimicking what he had said to Isabella before her proposal.

Camilo immediately undestood who his elder sister was referring too.

He waved at Mirabel before heading towards the door.

He was not sure how he was to act.

After all..he had basically seen the (hair color) headed boy in places where he was sure he would not want to be seen.

Camilo felt disgusted with himself.

He had invaded his privacy.

He had touched things he was not supposed to touch.

How on earth is he going to face (Your name) now?

He nervously rubbed his hands as he peeked through the door.

He was met with a warm smile from the other boy.

"Hey there Pretty Boy, what ya been up to?"

Camilo was barely paying attention to what he was saying.

Immediately he opened the door his eyes couldn't help but undress the boy in front of him.

His cheeks redden slightly as his eyes land below.

He mentally slaps himself while cursing his perverted mind.

"So will you go with me?"

Camilo perked up at the boy with a confused look.

"I just wanna show you something" (Your name) smiled before grabbing his hand and leading him to an unknown destination.

❣Sugar Coated❣ [C.Madrigal]✔Where stories live. Discover now