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Camilo had woken up late the next day, he didn't get much sleep last night due to him trying to get through the loud thoughts that ran through his head on repeat.

He decided that he'd confess to (Your name) today, even though his skin was already shaking with the fear of being rejected.

He walked towards the usual cave they hung out in, taking his time so he could figure out how and when he'd say it.

"(Your name) I love you."

"No that's not right!" He shook his head before continuing again.

"(Your name) you make me feel fuzzy inside when I'm around you, you make me feel special just to be in your presence, I'm not sure what this feeling is or even if you reciprocate but I think I might be falling for you."

"No that's not right! You can't just pour your heart out to him! Might as well tell him you masturbated for him as well!"

Unfortunately for Camilo he was already at the cave. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Hey Camilo!" Elijah came running up to him with a hug.

Camilo smiled at Elijah before going to sit next to (Your name).

"Hey I-"

(Your name) was interrupted by a sweating and bleeding Creda limping into the cave.

"Creda are you ok?!" (Your name) lightly pushed passed Camilo and went to go check on his friend.

Her head was bleeding and deep cuts and bruises covered her skin.

"Head...wall.." She managed to force out before becoming slightly dizzy.

Almost understanding instantly Elijah's face changed to one of horror, "Creda..did they.."

She nodded slightly before a tear sped down her face.

"Camilo we have to get her to your Aunt!" Xavier yelled, his voice dripping with worry.

"Why didn't you go there first?!" (Your name) asked the girl in his arms that looked like she was on the verge of dying.

"It doesn't matter! Let's just get her help."

(Your name) looked in Camilo's direction before walking over to him and dropping Creda gently in his arms.

"Get help from your Aunt." (Your name) said blankly before pressing a finger to Camilo's chest.

"Better hurry pretty boy." He glared before walking off.

Camilo gulped slightly and began walking towards his home, speeding up his pace slightly as his clothes where starting to get soaked in blood.

'So much for confessing.'

He looked down at the unconscious bleeding girl in his arms with pity.

'What happened to you.'

❣Sugar Coated❣ [C.Madrigal]✔Where stories live. Discover now