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Camilo walked down to the table disappointedly as he unknowingly sat down on a seat which faced mirabel.

He picked up his fork and poked at his Arepas de Huevo while his family conversated.


What was wrong with him? He was so close to tying the knot with his crush, he should be happy.


Why does he feel guilty of something? Like there's something he's missing or forgetting?


The shapeshifter jolted up from his seat and turned into (Your name) unknowingly.

Unaware of who he had transformed into or that he had transformed in the first place, he began spewing apologies for not paying attention.

He knew how much his mother hated being ignored.

"Camilo it's alright."


"I assume the reason you're not paying attention is because you have a certain boy on your mind?"

"Huh?" He gave his family a confused look before looking down at his hands and bringing his fingers up to brush his face.

Once he realised what was going on he immediately turned a bright red and suddenly became interested in his food.

"You only transform like this when you're confused, curious or thinking about that particular person."

"Mama I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Are you sure? Cause what I heard earlier this morni-"

Camilo sent a death glare straight at Delores causing her to close her mouth and look away with a squeak.

"Y'know Camilo.."

'Here we go'

"We don't care about who you are and not attracted too."

'Wow the sky looks so blue!'

"Speak for yourself." Abuela grunted before taking a sip of her tea.

While doing so Casita proceeded to push her chair making her spill her hot boiling tea all over herself.

"I- mean of course we don't care, you may love who you want!" Abuela winced in pain as she quickly corrected her sentence.

'The sun looks so bright today!'

"All we're saying is.."

'God..is that you?..'

"When you do it use protection!" Isabella stated before quickly exiting the room.

❣Sugar Coated❣ [C.Madrigal]✔Where stories live. Discover now