Chapter 16

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Wow guys... I'm finally back after almost two years (Y/N)s and Tims story can finally continue. I hope you're all doing well and enjoy :3 My writing is a bit rusty but I was surprised at how fast I got into it again. If you forgot the story I don't blame you guys I might make a recap if enough people would like it. Now enough talking enjoy

Rushing back to the car with the filled plastic bag in hand she opened the dusty silver car door plopping down into the drivers seat. Even tho she tried really hard to get comfortable in this new car, she couldn't get comfortable no fucking way, she was way to nervous.

Yea the nice leather seat was comfy and the temperature seemed to be just right. Maybe in a normal situation (Y/N) would have rejoiced to have a break like this. Well this break she was having wasn't full of sunshine and good friends, it was full of faceless supernatural being with actual killers dead set on killing them. The purple bruise around her neck and bandaged hands being proof of it. The man travelling with her, the same man she had a big schoolgirl crush on, being a man capable of doing the exact same thing.

(Y/N) let out a painful sigh slightly shaking clutching the plastic bag to her chest. The loud sound of the car door slamming shut finally tore her away from her thought bringing her back into reality.
"You okay" Tim asked worryingly noticing her stressed and shaking figure.
"Yea I'm fine just.. just never been in a situation like this." (Y/N) could feel her heart beating fast. The adrenaline of having the first romantic time with her crush had finally left her letting allowing her mind to think rationally again. And oh boy was it giving off red flags. Did she really agree to leave her dad, her house and her job behind just so she could run away with two guys who she couldn't trust at all. Why the fuck was she sitting in this car.

Just when she was about to continue panicking Tim interrupted her with a calming voice.
"I have a few blankets in the back if you'd like one. A nice fluffy blanket always calms me down." Tim smiled at her sweetly pointing to the back of the car.

(Y/N) could feel her face heat up as well as her mind becoming fogged with love once again. Dame you Tim, damn you and that sweet fucking smile that I just can't say no to. But a blanket did sound nice.

"Yea I think I'd like one." (Y/N) accepted his shyly offer. Tim clumsily climbed to the back seat of the car grabbing one of the many blankets he had chaotically thrown in the back.

The blanket was a lovely bright red and made out of a fluffy cotton that she was dying to cuddle into and hopefully forget some of the gruesome thing that happened recently. Tim quickly shook out the dusty blanket that has probably been back there for a long time and carefully put it over (Y/N) tucking her in slightly.

The blanket smelled of cigarettes of course but she could also smell another scent something she smelled before but never really knew what it was. Could it be that, that was Tim's scent. NO NO we have to think about this rationally, this blanket could be infested with some bug or something,something she definitely doesn't want on her skin. But it was Tim's blanket...God what was it about this man that made her mind spring out of control imprisoning her in this god awful love for him.She had so many questions so much stuff she wanted to say to him but all she managed to get out was "Thanks it's comfy"

"That's good," He paused for a second taking out his phone from his pocket, "I have to make a phone call to Jay very quick but after that we drive off. Don't wanna be on the phone in a moving vehicle with a cop in the car." Tim let out a small chuckle laughing at his own joke.
(Y/N) slightly giggled not being able to get a word out of her dry throat. She hadn't had a sip of any alcoholic beverage or a cigarette in over 3 hours, before it was okay but now she was feeling the effects and she wasn't liking it without work to distract her. Being sober was painful because reality was painful.

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