Chapter 4

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Hey guys before we start I'd like to explain something. At the beginning I mentioned that I was going to mix up the entries a little bit and yea I'll be starting that now. This I think is going to mess with the entries 65 and 66. It's just way more comfortable form me that way else it would probably sound very awkward...
Well okay that was it!

It was seven am on a Tuesday, (Y/N) just arrived at her desk empty morning coffee in hand. She felt terrible. Well she always felt terrible in the morning but today she felt extra terrible. It didn't help that she couldn't sleep last night due to some unexpected constant vomiting. It was so gross.

Hungrily not haven eaten for a while she stuffed gummy bears into her mouth. The overwhelming sweetness calming her hunger and soothing the painful headache. She had searched her entire house for ibuprofen but for some reason they were all gone. (Y/N) didn't question it, she probably went through all of them pretty fast. It was a surprise she wasn't addicted to them too by know.

"Hey weren't you going to visit that Tim guy today?" Hector asked turning his chair towards her. 
(Y/N) raised her head a bit glaring at Hector before shoving another hand full of gummy bears in her mouth.
"I needed a little break. I feel terrible." Her voice matched how she felt, weak.
"Are you sure you're healthy. You absolutely look terrible. And I mean worse than normal. Why don't you just go home. Tell the boss that you're si-"
"No I need to find Tim. He's the main and only lead I have in this case right now." (Y/N) interrupted him standing up hastily putting on her brown jacket not wanting to waste any more time.

"Do you even know where that mystery man lives?" Harold smirked at her evilly. (Y/N) just smirked back.
"Lucky for me, my neighbor knows where everyone in this town lives. Just like you but a lot wiser" (Y/N) waved at him smugly slowly walking away.
"That old hag Samantha told you where she lived huh?!" Harold somehow didn't like anyone who had more knowledge about the town that him.
"You betcha." (Y/N) answered walking out of the office.

She followed the same routine she did yesterday. Ask the boss for a car, get keys from Martin, enter the cold garage and head off with the car.

Tim lived in town so it only was a 10 minute drive according too the built in car navigation system. She wished the drive was longer so she could maybe rehearse all of the questions she will and have too ask him. The chances that he might not be home were really high. After what happened yesterday she wasn't sure if he was okay. The thought that haunted her all night resurfaced making her feel nervous. Great just what she needed, more nervousness too mess with her job.

The cars navigation system politely asked her too take one more turn before reaching her destination. (Y/N) having no intentions too go anywhere else followed the kind robot ladys instructions soon finding a little house. So this is where Timothy Wright lived. The name still seemed so familiar.

Parking the car on the side of the street she got out locking the car behind her. She made sure she had her detective badge multiple times this morning. Something was making her forget the simplest things checking everything twice constantly doubting herself. Even know she looked if her car was really locked pulling on the door handle testing if everything was closed.

Yes it was locked. But was it really? She checked it once again. Okay this time it was definitely locked. She turned away from the car walking towards the door. The unsettling feeling of forgetting something made her feel anxious turning around again.

"Did I really lock the car?" She mumbled to herself staring at the white police car. Remembering the two times she checked she desperately tried to shake off that uneasy feeling.

With a fast pace she reached the front door quickly still trying too distract herself from the probably unlocked car. Ringing the door bell a high shrilling noise could be heard form inside the house. Everything was quiet for a moment nothing really happening. Oh god maybe he really was dead. Suddenly quiet steps could be heard before the lock on the door started to open. (Y/N) sighed in relief. He was okay.

"W-Who is it." A frightened uncertain man stuck his head through the crack in the door trying to see the person outside.
"Good morning mister Wright I'm (Y/N) (L/N). I'm a detective and I would like to ask you a few questions for a case I'm working on. If you wouldn't mind."

Tim seemed nervous shaking a bit. "T-The police? Oh okay um... Come inside I'll make some coffee" He opened the door wide enough for a person to enter.
"Thank you very much sir but excuse me for a second." (Y/N) quickly ran back to the car pulling at the door. Yep locked. She sprinted back too a confused Tim giving him an apologetic smile walking past him into the house.

Tim shut the door behind her quickly walking in front of her.
"Um this way to the living room." He lead her through the little house (Y/N) trailing close behind him. He was definitely a smoker, his whole house smelled like smoke. She wasn't judging him tho her room kinda smelled the same...

"Okay it's not much but please take a seat. I'll go get some coffee" Tim pointed towards a small sofa before walking off again.
(Y/N) looked at her surroundings closely before actually sitting down. He didn't have the cleanest house, trash and other unknown objects littering the home. At least the sofa was nice and comfortable.

A hurried Tim came back into the room holding two big cups of steaming hot black coffees handing her one.
"It's black.. I didn't know if you like it with sugar and milk." His hands were shaking making it seem like he'd spill the coffee any second. A bit paranoid she grabbed the cup quickly to get it out of his shaking unstable hand. This sofa was too nice to be ruined.

"Blacks perfectly fine." (Y/N) took a long sip from the coffee. She already had one like a few minutes ago but free coffee was too hard to turn down.
Tim took a sip of his allowing (Y/N) too really look at him. She needed to describe him for her case so it was the perfect excuse too creepily watch him.

Tim had a heavier build, not skinny not fat just a little bit bigger than "normal". His height was average probably about 5'6'' isch maybe even a bit taller.
Well fitting sideburns framed his face quite well really bringing out his thick eyebrows . A small uneven stubble was growing on his chin. Either he didn't shave or he did shave but his obviously shaking hands came in the way of doing it properly.
His hair was brown well... really dark brown almost black and really messy. She kinda liked the ruffled up hair look, it made men look more human.

Tim noticed her staring making direct eye contact with her. For some reason he didn't look away, he just stared at her. It didn't feel creepy not at all, it almost felt like he was trying to tell her something. Something that's been bothering him for a while.

(Y/N) couldn't seem too look away either. His dark brown eyes really felt familiar too her. Like she looked into those exact same eyes a few times before...
"I'm sorry but do I know you from some where?" (Y/N) couldn't hold back. She needed to know from where she knew him from.

"You don't remember me? In high school I was a year above you remember?" (Y/N) just looked at him confused. She still couldn't remember him. Tim sighed nervously tapping his cup looking away from her.

"I-I was that weird guy who asked you too homecoming for that other weird guy... Jake McCree." Tim laughed slightly embarrassed by the memory nibbling on his chapped lips.

(Y/N) face lit up remembering that confusing moment. "That was you? Oh my god! What a coincidence." She smiled brightly laughing along with Tim still being careful not too spill her coffee.

"Yea that was me.." Tim looked really embarrassed blushing slightly taking another sip from his coffee.
"Don't be embarrassed! What you did for him was cute. Was he your friend?"
Tim looked up to her surprise a surprised look on his face. "Me and Jake? Oh hell no I hated him and he hated me. I just did it because he promised too leave me alone if I asked you for him."

"I don't remember it clearly but I think I said yes. To be honest I thought you were asking me and I kinda liked you so I said yes. You don't know how surprised I was when Jake approached me at homecoming calling me his date." She smiled at the memory. Even tho her high school years weren't her favorite and she rather not remember too much of that time, she was glad too remember that memory.

Tim noticed her smile making him smile himself. It was kinda nice meeting someone you once knew a long time ago. Even if they only talked like three times.

"Okay let's get back to the point." (Y/N) took a deep breath calming herself before getting serious, "I need to ask you a few serious questions now. Are you okay with that?"

Tims smile faded his grip on the white mug tightening.

"I-I'll try my best."

1596 words

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