Chapter 11

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The day was going by painfully slow as (Y/N) struggled in watching the rest of the few Marble Hornets videos. An unpleasant feeling of being watched haunted her as she carefully inspected the videos taking detailed notes. She was starting to believe everything, everything that Jay and Tim were claiming. It scared her no it terrified her.

Yesterday she was hoping for just a little bit of proof wanting to desperately believe the hurting Tim. Now when she actually got it she wished she had never gotten involved in the first place. The cost of solving this case had risen and it was getting too expensive. 

She couldn't afford to die like Jessica, who she assumed dead, her dad still needed her. Without her he would definitely be transferred to a public nursing home instead of a private one. (Y/N) knew exactly how "sanitary" it actually was and refused to let him anywhere near it.

She had created a feeling of concern and uncertainty towards Timothy Wright. It was easy to trust him when she didn't believe the tapes but right now she couldn't help but think of him as a psychopath.

Could you blame her? She kinda just saw him trying to kill Jay over and over again. As a detective she had to be suspicious and probably keep an eye out for him. You never knew when people like them were going to strike.

Jay kinda explained it in his videos as well. Tim isn't that masked crazy man normally. His normal self was harmless and even a bit shy. In one video, which was probably one of the hardest to watch, he experiences a wild seizure before turning into his other less friendly persona.

The thing that worried her the most was, that she had experienced a few coughing attacks. Two times he could have changed, two times if she wasn't around. Well actually not, because she was probably the main reason he had an attack and that did make her feel very bad but that wasn't the point. The point was that he was always at risk in becoming a very dangerous individual. And sadly it was her job to put them away for good.

(Y/N) had no interest in arresting Tim. She had taken a liking to him and according to the tapes he probably had a lot of terrible experiences living in captivity.

"Hey (Y/N) you going home?" Harold once again woke her out of her endless thoughts. It had gotten darker outside and the night shift officers were already arriving.
"It's time already?" She had lost track of time only being able to think about those damn Marble Hornets videos.
"Yea, you're really obsessed with those videos aren't you?" He asked looking over her shoulder at the still playing video behind her.
Noticing she hadn't turned off the computer she quickly closed the tab and shut down the computer. She rather not bring Harold into this.
"They're just interesting." She muttered getting out of the chair stuffing the notes into her back pockets. Taking the jacket off of her chair she hastily put it on walking past Harold towards the exit.

Harold didn't follow her still staring at her computer. (Y/N), noticing he wasn't following her, stopped looking back at the man.
"You coming or not?" She asked kinda annoyed wanting him to desperately back away from her computer.
"Yea, yea." He grunted turning towards her finally following her out of the police station.

Walking by Martins front desk they noticed he had been replaced by a much more professional looking person. It was Flavio, Martins night shift replacement.
Flavio was a dick and everyone knew so, so nobody really talked to him. Like every officer they walked by him quickly and quietly making sure not to make any kind of eye contact. Martin may be lazy but at least he was somewhat bearable.

Finally making it out of the station without being judged by Flavios cold blue eyes they stopped quickly.

"Well this is where we part ways, like always." Harold played with his old car keys of his mini van smiling at her.
"Yea I guess so." (Y/N) didn't want to go home alone, she was scared. Since she became aware of that disturbing stalker footage her excitement for going home had vanished.

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