Chapter 18

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As I'm currently in an art class and I have this assignment of doing one small sketch a day at least. For this one I chose (Y/N) and Tim as my inspiration :3. it's a bit messy but i thought I would share it anyways

 it's a bit messy but i thought I would share it anyways

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Back to the story:

The car ride seemed to be never ending as (Y/N) huddled in the back of the car trying to sleep. She had retreated back to the blanket seat after Tim had caught up with Jay really feeling how tired she was. But now when she was finally in a comfortable seat her mind just couldn't allow her to sleep.

The earlier conversation with Tim has left her thoughts to go crazy overanalyzing ever little thing the man said. Each time she would convince herself that he liked her back she would find new evidence do disprove that thought. Leaving her in an endless cycle of guessing and pain.
This was not how she planned her first vacation in a while to go. Snuggling deeper into the blankets she listened closely to the sound of the road making out all the little stones the old rubber tires hastily drove over.

From time to time she could even hear Tim let out deep sighs and feel him looking back at her checking if she was all right. (Y/N) could tell that their conversation had made him as flustered as much it did her.

The infamous loud shrilling sound of Tims phone interrupted the relaxing silence. Groaning he picked up the phone holding it against his ear.

„Yea I'm getting tired... haven't slept in 15 hours you?... Yea we can stop at a gas station, get some food and sleep for a bit on the road,"
(Y/N) couldn't hear Jays voice but she go a general idea of what they were talking about and she was all for it. The only problem was that it was definitely gonna be morning soon and with morning come light.
„... You're Problem man I got blinds for my car... Yea my car has become my second home I seem to find myself sleeping in it a lot... Yep I see the gas station.. Till then bye." Tim hung up the phone and immediately switched on the blinker turning into what (Y/N) guessed was the gas station.

Tim looked back at (Y/N) checking if she was asleep or not. As (Y/N) looked him in the eyes he smiled "Why hello sleeping beauty would you like something to eat?" He asked taking out his wallet from his jacket shaking it in front of the girls face.
"I really could go for a nice sandwich...," She paused for a sec thinking of what else she could order, "And if your willing to treat me to a nice cup of cheap wine." Some alcohol right now would really hit the spot.

"Gotcha oh and you need a refill on cigs?" He looked back at her knowing she was probably craving them as much as he was.
"Definitely," (Y/N) rummaged through her jacket pocket and pulled out an empty box of her favourite brand and handed it to Tim, "If you would be so kind could you please get me the same brand." She looked at Tim with puppy dog eyes as he giggled and took the box from her.
"Man you really got some cheap taste.. can't blame you tho my brand ain't no vintage shit either."
Tim was about to hand her, her box back but she pushed his hand away and pointed to a bin in the parking lot. "While you're just holding it you might as well through it in the bin." (Y/N) smiled at him smugly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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