Chapter 15

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A half an hour later and (Y/N) had finally written the email to her boss. She went over it about a billion times making sure that it didn't sound like she was planning on slacking off or just being plain lazy. He still needed to give her, her pay check for the month and she definitely still wanted that. No use in making him hate her more than he already did. Their relationship was never stable.

Satisfied with her email (Y/N) clicked the send button now officially on break. She had never taken a break like this, only really stopping when her boss told her she had vacation.

(Y/N) didn't like breaks as work distracted her. It distracted her from her fathers horrible condition and the fact that she lived all alone in a cheep worn down apartment next to a lady that hordes birds. Harold was her only real friend but since he became a full time father he never had time to hang out with her.

By hang out she meant drinking beer on the playground benches. It was simple but (Y/N) always enjoyed it.

Letting out a deep sigh (Y/N) leaned back on the dusty old office chair Tim had given her taking a moment to really think about her current situation.

It sounded insane, was she really being chased by a supernatural being with creepy henchmen? Was she really falling in love with a man that might as well be one of those henchmen or even a murderer?

She cringed at how stupid it all sounded, she really had to get drunk to believe anything they were saying to her. Come to think of it she had been sober for a while now and not once has she broken down over her lack of money. That might be a new record!

Giggling to herself to lighten her mood she struggled to rise out of the chair, her legs still aching from that wild chase that happened earlier. The one where she almost died. Fun times.

Once she stood on both of her sore feet again she quickly did some stretch exercises she learned from the academy. If she wants to run away with Tim and Jay her body had to be prepared to actually run.

The loud sound of the door being ripped open behind her almost threw her out of balance as a stressed Tim bursts through the door.
"We gotta go now!" Tim yelled at (Y/N) before leaving the room again. Dumbfounded she stared at the open door in shock.

"Wait right now?"  (Y/N) exited the dusty room watching a panicked Tim pack a bag of clothes probably for himself.

"Yes, we've stayed to long in this town." Tim shuffled through his bag of clothes making sure he packed everything he needed.

"Wait I don't have a bag of clothes! We need to stop by at my apartment." Now she was starting to panic. Running away without clothes sounded like a horror.

"We don't know if the man that tried to kill you is still at your house." He answered now looking through all the drawers obviously looking for something.

"I don't have any money on me either, and my phone is also still there. What if the nursing home calls me or even my boss or Harold..... If I don't answer Harolds calls he will be worried and come find me! I need to go back." (Y/N) rambled to Tim who was now looking at her his bag packed and ready to go.

"Fine but I'll go in with you! I can't let you get killed." He gave in, worry in his eyes. Worry for her.

The familiar butterfly's erupted in (Y/N) stomach as she gazed into his dark eyes. How noble he was for wanting to help her.
No know was not the time to act like a love sick teenager whatever was happening know was serious, even if  she had no clue what was happening.

"O-Okay" she stuttered embarrassed by her own feelings towards him turning away abruptly hiding her blushed face from the panicked mans view.

Tim rushed passed the woman towards the front door throwing little items into the pockets of his beige jacket, double checking if he had everything with him.

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