Chapter 1

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The Monday sun was shining on the small town illuminating the wet grass from the rainstorm they had that evening. (Y/N) didn't really notice the rain storm so she was surprised by the wet streets. Yesterday evening she just huddled in bed and probably just fell asleep as she didn't remember much. Work really pooped her out so whenever she got the chance to sleep she would take it.

The feeling of the warm covers still loomed over her as she stood in front of the doorway of her apartment block. The cold morning air made her shiver hiding her face in the fat woolen scarf. It wasn't the prettiest scarf but it kept her warm.

The outside wasn't even so cold according to the thermostat hanging by the door. (Y/N) was always cold in the mornings. Maybe because she gets so used to her nice warm bed that the cold always hits her in surprise.

After a long exhausted sigh she somehow motivated herself to move. Her car broke down a few days ago and was basically forced to walk. She hated walking it annoyed her, she thought of it as unnecessary when a car was present. Which now of course was the case. She had friends but none of them lived near her neighborhood. They were all spread out around the little town. So it was understandable that they didn't want to give her a lift.

The walk wasn't quiet, cars passing her every minute while they hurried to their jobs. Most people that lived in this town didn't work there, heading into bigger cities nearby. (Y/N) got lucky and scored a stable job in town. It paid the rent quite nicely and her coworkers were nice. It just took her six years to get where she was now.

She wasn't an educated girl, barley getting through high school. Teachers would look at her disappointingly while handing her, her report card. The only thing that maybe could have helped her into collage was her athletic abilities. She was accepted by a few but somehow she didn't want to go study some more. Instead she took her chances at the Police Apartment Training Academy, just after turning 19.

She mastered the training pretty fast, getting done with it after 11 months. Her local police station gladly taking her in. Lucky for her the towns people were questioning the lack of female officers so when she showed up they hired her immediately.

The men in her field were all gentleman treating her with respect, except for her boss. The boss didn't treat any of his coworkers with respect. Looking down on them like they were some kind of slaves. She was used to dealing with him by now usually snapping back at him. Being the only female had it's perks. Due to the new feminism stuff it would be really "suspicious" if they would fire her because of an insult.

The sidewalk was empty with only a few kids walking to school. The kids looked at her weirdly kinda confused about her winter look. Their summer just ended so they didn't wanna give it up yet. Walking around with short sleeves and pants not minding the fresh September air.

(Y/N) didn't care for childish opinions having to deal with bigger assholes. As a kid she took insults really badly. The constant self loathing kinda teaching her to not care or be hurt. It was a reckless philosophy but it worked.

She wasn't really wearing the most warmest clothes she could find but she guessed the big scarf caught them off guard. A short brown jacket covered her usual uniform and it was actually not a heavy one. She was wearing heavy boots tho but as an officer she liked to have good shoes.

Technically she was a detective now. Learning for that promotion exam was the worst year of her life. She really needed a raise as her landlord, that dick, decided to raise rent and dad really needed new medicine. Last year she needed to leave her dad in a nursing home not having time to really take care of him and pay the bills. She felt bad for leaving him alone but also knew he was better off with people who could actually care for him. For money of course.

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