Chapter 2

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(Y/N) stood in front of the bosses door holding the file closely to her chest. Her fear of the boss wasn't as present like it was a few years ago. All she had for him now was hate never really wanting to be in his presence. Taking a deep breath she quickly knocked on the door waiting for his answer.

"Come in." His voice was deep and rough fitting his old age.

Carefully (Y/N) opened the door stepping into his small personal office. It stank like nacho cheese, pretzels mixed with peanut butter and sweat. Trying not to vomit she slowly approached his littered desk.

"Oh (L/N) what do you want now." He spoke slowly but annoyed leaning back in his office chair.
"I found a case I'd like to dig in deeper into sir."
He looked at her confused raising one of his bushy eyebrows.
"A case? What kind of case do we actually have? Drunk driving." He was mocking her. Nothing new but still really aggravating.
"A case that your earlier detective was to lazy to finish." She almost slammed the file down on his desk but decided not to. Instead putting it down nicely sliding it towards him. He looked at her questionably before picking it up with his big hands.

"One of Camrons cases? Are you sure you want to do this case. It was deemed unsolvable." He looked through the file carefully probably remembering it slowly.
"I don't really need to solve it, even tho that would be great, I would rather want to update the file. Maybe see if anything has changed."
"It's been two years (L/N) of course things have changed. Sure go ahead look around but I doubt you'll find anything." He handed back the file crossing his bulky arms over his chest.

(Y/N) smiled at him lightly taking back the file ready to head out. She was just at the door when she remembered something.
"Oh my car broke down can I-"
"Yea, yea take a car." He waved her off looking back to his computer doing whatever he was doing.

(Y/N) exited the office, happily escaping that horrible smell. The smell of coffee was always better. She was really lucky to catch him in a good mood, that meeting could have gone way longer. Maybe even escalated into a fight, happened plenty of times before.

She decided to head to her desk first before leaving. Her jacket was still hanging on the chair and there was no way in hell she'll be leaving that station without a jacket.

Harold didn't notice her return still doing everything except work. Quickly she snatched her jacket as well as hiding her gummy bears. The disappearance of her sweets being a constant problem made her do so. Harold being the main suspect.

Before leaving completely grabbing her cigarettes as well as her favorite yellow lighter decorated with red gummy bears. Now she was ready.

Walking through the metal detector again like this morning she turned towards Martin. Martin probably didn't have a busy day as his main occupation was slowly falling asleep, head resting on the front desk. (Y/N) sighed before ringing the little service bell a couple of times. Startled by the sudden sound he jerked back finally awake.

"Martin I need keys." (Y/N) asked impatiently tapping her finger on the desk. Martin was still getting over the shock looking at her confused.
"Keys?" She asked again holding out her hand waiting for what she requested.
"Oh yea sorry." Martin disappeared under the desk before coming back up with a set of car keys.
"Now please just sign this form confirming you have key set number 4." Martin mumbled handing her a wrinkled piece of paper along with a pen.
Doing the same thing she did a thousand times before she quickly signed the form heading out to get a car.
"Don't die." Martin waved her goodbye as she exited the station.

The garage was always colder for some reason kinda making her regret not brining her scarf. Car number four stood right there waiting for her. Excited to escape the cold garage she unlocked the car and hurriedly got inside throwing the file on the passenger seat. It wasn't as cold but still chilly, nothing a little heating can't fix. Placing the key into the ignition turning it. The car engine starting like it should.

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