Chapter 14

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"It's not safe here anymore. It saw you and if it saw you then Alex is definitely after you. We have to go!" Tim told her, his voice strict and direct. The anger he had buried inside him showed once again a wild fire burning in his eyes.

"Are you crazy? I can't just get up and leave, I have a fucking job." (Y/N) couldn't help but snap back at him. She knew he was only trying to protect her but the anger in his eyes put her off guard.

"Your job isn't as important as your life? Is it?" Tim didn't give up not seeming bothered by her earlier angry response.

"No but my dad's life is." She whispered to herself regretting bringing her dad into the situation.

"Your dad? What does your dad have to do with any of this." He asked now a little confused his anger still present.

(Y/N) looked into his eyes a tiny amount of sadness showing in her bright (e/c) eyes. She didn't know why she felt the need to look into his angry disappointed eyes. They never really changed, they were still that same dark brown color but she couldn't look away.

She wanted to believe this man was a psychopath so maybe that's why she kept staring into his dark eyes, she was desperate. Desperate to find just a little shimmer in his eyes, a little bit of insanity to prove her suspicions. To help her decide if she could really trust this man of not.

But that idea didn't feel right. There was something deep down inside of her that knew. She enjoyed staring into his eyes. Something about him made her trust him. Trust him so much that she turned to him for help when she was almost killed.

Could she trust him now?

Should she leave work? Would she be putting her dying father in danger if she left with him?

Tim seemed worried about her safety. Genuinely worried for her safety. And truth be told she didn't feel safe either.

Something warm covered her ice cold bandaged hand as her eyes shot down to her lap. Tim's hand slowly caressed her injured left hand gently, her other hand still pressing the ice water to her injured neck.

Confused (Y/N) looked back into Tims eyes noticing that his anger had completely vanished and replaced with a warm and caring look.

She wasn't the one to blush on small interactions like this but something in her couldn't help herself. (Y/N) was looking for the psychopath in this man but the only thing she could see in those eyes were love and kindness. Her heart erupted as her eyes widened in realization. (Y/N) (LN) was falling in love with a suspect in a serious murder case.

How stupid had she become, was she really going to crush on this shaggy man which she only really met a few days ago?

Her brain was desperately trying to snap her out of this love trace but her heart was already fully in control, imprisoning her in this violent crush she just developed.

"You're not safe here (Y/N). If you don't leave I can't guarantee your or your fathers safety. Can't you just take a break off work for like a week?" His soft voice didn't help as she continued to lose touch with reality.

Now she just wanted to run away with him, just with him. (Y/N) could feel herself getting lost in his loving eyes not being able to escape.

"(Y/N) you alright?" Tims words single handily snapped her out of her love sick gaze allowing her brain to fully function once again.

Holy shit (Y/N) get a grip on yourself. You're a detective, you're supposed to think logically in these situations. That's your fucking job!

But still one week away from work wouldn't hurt anybody would it? She still gets a little bit of pay when she's on break and she probably has enough money to fund her dads care for at least 3 more months. And she definitely wouldn't be gone for three whole months.

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