Chapter 7

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A loud parrot call woke (Y/N) out of her slumber, jolting up in surprise. With hurting tired eyes she carefully inspected her surroundings. She was still sitting in the same spot as yesterday evening. That means she slept on her desk... Whatever she will blame it on Harold comfortable chair. If it wouldn't have been so comfortable she would have been forced to go to bed.

Sadly she knew that was unlikely story. She once fell asleep on the floor being to lazy to stand up and go to her actual bed. The large amount of wine and cheep alcohol she kept drinking also never helped her sleeping issue. 

Her back ached and her head hurt like hell. Breathing seemed a bit harder, her lungs being abnormally tight. Noticing the filled ashtray next to her along with the emptied, yesterdays half emptied cigarette packet. She really couldn't control her smoking when she was tired. That means she would have to go buy a new package at the gas station today. Quitting smoking for good wasn't an option yet. It was just so calming.

Slowly but surely she managed to get herself out of the chair and onto her still bloody legs. She would have to change and take a quick shower before she left and she didn't even know what time it was. She had to meet Tim at nine and hit up the station before she leaves.

Glancing over to her stove she read the orange digits showing on the built in timer. She could take a long shower as it was only 7am. The bad news was that if it was 7 she basically had only slept about 2 hours. Shrugging she made her way into the small bathroom, she had seen worse. The thing is that during that entire time she only got to entry 40. Marble hornets was way too long...

The bathroom was really cramped, the previous owners needing a bath instead of a shower. (Y/N) always liked showering better but with the tiny amount of money she had for herself she could never replace it.

(Y/N) was a smoker, a bad one at that, so she always kinda smelled of nicotine and ashes. She hated smelling suspicious making sure she always had deodorant and mints with her. True she sometimes forgot to pack them but she never leaves the house without a shower and a nice spray of perfume.

Freeing herself from yesterdays dirty clothes she practically jumped into the tiny green bath. She never showered long, the water bills always scared her. Grabbing the old soap bar she soaped herself up and rubbing off the dirt and sadly blood humming to a song she once heard on the radio.

Feeling clean enough she exited the bath grabbing a freshly washed fluffy white towel. She loved that towel too death and always washed it by hand with care. It almost felt like a morning hug. Wearing only a towel she brushed her teeth thoroughly as her smoking also ruins her teeth if she isn't careful. Finishing off with a mouthful of mouthwash she made her way to the bedroom.

Her bedroom wasn't anything spectacular with just a bed and a simple dresser the home of the small amount of clothes she owns. The dresser was really dusty reminding her that she really needed to go on a cleaning spree. Taking out everything that was needed she got dressed. Her usual outfit mostly included a white or blue button up shirt and tighter blue jeans. It was the cheapest and most comfortable while also being suitable for work. Today she was going with a dark blue shirt and the only jeans she had left.

Getting dressed quickly she checked the time again. It was know eight and the perfect time to get the hell out of her house. Getting her big boots and brown jacket ready she left the house taking a chance hoping it's not too cold. Hopefully she won't regret not taking her scarf.

Walking in a fast pace she reached the gas station quickly smiling at Malissa while buying two cigarette packages this time heading out in a hurry. Martin gave her the car keys once again still making her sign that stupid form which she kinda got used too. Then finally she was heading towards Rosswood Park.

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