Nightmares(Mighty & Ray)

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Ray and Mighty were sleeping peacefully in their house in Jungle Cliff Zone, it was a moonless, stary quiet night, and there was hardly a breeze drifting through the air. Mighty was tossing and turning in his sleep, mumbling and whimpering to himself. He was dreaming, more accurately he was having a nightmare.

Mightys Nightmare:

Mighty was alone trapped in a room, there was no windows or doors but the room slowly got smaller and smaller no matter how hard Mighty pushed on the doors, just when Mighty thought he might be crushed by the moving walls he fell through the floor and landed hard on his stomach. He looked up and saw Ray standing there alone, he walked towards Ray timidly.

Mighty: "Ray! Are you okay what-"

Mighty reached out a hand to touch Ray on the shoulder but Ray slapped his hand away.

Mighty: "Ray?... What's wrong?..."

Ray: "Whats...wrong? What's wrong?! Your whats wrong Mighty! You did this, it's all you fault!"

Mighty: "Wh-i don't understand, what did I do?!"

Ray pointed off in the distance, Mighty stepped forward and squinted to see what was going on. Mighty gasped in horror, the jungle was on fire and the ruins of their home was laying there in ruin, in the middle of the rubble was Ray laying motionless and face down. Mighty started shedding tears and dropped to his knees. Ray simply stared at Mighty coldly.

Ray: "It's all your failed me..."

Mighty: " I didn't...I'm sorry!"

Ray: "You failed, you failed, you failed, you failed, you failed."

Rays voice rang out as Mighty dropped to the floor sobbing, Rays voice kept saying things like: "You don't deserve to be my brother," "I hate you," "You deserve nothing." Mighty gripping his tiny armadillo ears and sobbed even louder.

Mighty: "! Nooo! NOOOOOOO!!"

End of Nightmare

Mighty woke up with a gasp, tears forming in his eyes, he clutched his chest tightly, his heart was beating so wildly it hurt. Might laid down and curled up into a ball on his bed and started to cry and whimper quietly, he didn't want to wake up Ray. Mighty heard footsteps from outside his room. Mighty cringed as he heard his bedroom door opened with a creak.

Ray: "Mighty?...Are you okay?"

Mighty put on his best fake smile, and turned around to face Ray.

Mighty: "H-hey Ray...u-um I'm fine, don't worry..."

Ray wasn't buying it and sat down next to Mighty, Ray looked at Mighty dead in the eyes and said:

Ray: "Mighty, I know you had a nightmare, are you ok?"

Mighty gasped softly and started to cry, he and Ray hugged, Ray comfortingly rubbing Mightys back. Mighty and Ray hugged for a while before they broke the hug.

Mighty: "I...I'm sorry, I didn't want to cause problems, I just...I'm sorry!"

Ray: "It's okay Mighty, I'm not mad! If you don't mind...what was your nightmare about?"

Mighty: "I...I had a nightmare that I was going to get crushed by all these moving walls and then I fell and saw were being really mean and pointed me to the Jungle. Everything was on fire and our house was burnt down...and were I'm the rubble and you weren't moving...."

Ray: "Oh...Mighty, I'm not going anywhere I promise! I'll always be with you no matter what!"

Mighty: "Hehe...thanks Ray..."

Mighty and Ray snuggled up underneath the covers of Mightys bed and the two slept peacefully for the rest of the night.

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