Stargazing Confession's (Eggman & Uncle Chuck) (Mustache Lovers)

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This is a fic about Mustache Lovers back when they were younger (Eggman was 27 and Uncle Chuck was 25) where the two are stargazing and confess their love for each other.

Ivo Robotnik, or Eggman was sitting by a lake looking up at the sky, watching the stars and looking for comets passing by. Sat next to him was Chuck The Hedgehog, also stargazing with Ivo. The two had known each other for four years at this point, starting out as rival's and eventually falling in love with each other, although neither had confessed their feelings for the other. Ivo's hand crept over to Chuck's, and the hedgehog took the humans hand and held it, both of them exchanged a quick glance before looking away, both of them flustered.

While Chuck was looking to the sky, Ivo was lost in thought, Ivo had been wanting to confess his feelings for Chuck for a month now, but he had yet to work up the courage to confess, he wanted to confess his love for him so badly, but he didn't want to scare him off.

Ivo(Mind): " this the right time? I love him, I know I do...but what if he doesn't feel the same?" "What if he hates me?" "I...i should try now, I might never get another chance..."

Ivo took a deep breath and turned to Chuck, who turned to him and made eye contact with him.

Ivo: "Chuck...can I say something akward, maybe even a little insane?"

Chuck: "Sure, what is it?"

Ivo: "Well, I...I think i-no, I know I'm...I've been having some...the thing is..."

Chuck: "Ivo?" "What wrong?"

Ivo: "N-nothings wrong, I just...I think I'm...I'm in love with you?"

Chuck's dark blue eye's widened and his face lit up with blush, Ivo blushed strawberry red and his head turned away from Chuck, now starting to regret his confession. Yet the two still held hands.

Ivo(Mind): "Oh my gosh, what was I thinking?!" "This was a terrible idea!" "He's probably going to hate me!" "Ugh!" "What an idiot I am-"

Ivo was stopped in his thoughts by Chuck of all people. Chuck tenderly took Ivo's head in his hands and pulled his face towards his, without hesitation, Chuck kissed Ivo on the lips.

Warmth and confusion shot through Ivo. He didn't know what to do and he felt butterflies in his stomach, yet he didn't want the kiss to stop ether. Ivo wrapped his arms around Chuck's waist, snuggling into him. After what seemed like eternity, although it was only 8 seconds, Chuck broke the kiss. Ivo was still blushing madly, but Chuck, had a content smile on his face.

Ivo: "Ch-Chuck?" " me back?" "I-thank you?" " don't know what to say..."

Chuck mearly smiled, and took his hands away from Ivo's flustered face and wrapped his arms around the humans neck, giving Ivo a quick peck on the cheek.

Chuck: "I like you flustered, it's cute, just like you. And of course I love you back, in fact...I've been wanting to confess my love for some time now." "But I guess you beat me to the punch, didn't you?"

Ivo: "Yeah...I'm happy you feel the same, I just...thought you'd be mad at me, I guess..."

Chuck smirked mischievously at Ivo and then pushed the human down onto the damp grass of the night, laying on top of the human, wrapping his arms around his torso now. Chuck starting to kiss Ivo on the cheek, peppering kisses all over the humans face, making Ivo giggle.

Ivo: "Chuhuhuck!" "Wahahahtch the glasses!" "These things cost up to a hundred dohohohollars!"

Chuck: "What?~" "I'm just showing off how precious you are to me~"

Chuck stopped the kisses and laid down next to Ivo. Chuck grinned at Ivo, and Ivo grinned back. Ivo snuggled up to Chuck, pulling the mobian into a comfortable position in his arms. Chuck rested his head against Ivo's chest, listening to Ivo's heartbeat. Ivo and Chuck held hands once again, this time the two were more content then before, watching the stars and cuddling on a blanket of grass.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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