Stomach Pains (Rookie & Infinte) (Rookinte)

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Rookie or known as Gadget by his close friends and family was laying on his couch in his room at the Resistance's main HQ with a terrible stomach ache. Gadget and a few friends and gone out for lunch to celebrate a recent victory against Eggman and had decided to go to a small little diner, since Gadget was hungry he ordered the most food, and then woke up in the middle of the night with terrible pain in his belly and found out the hard way he had gotten food poisoning.

Gadget had barely slept all night because of the pain and constant sickness all night, he had taken some medication for the pain so it was bearable for him to fall asleep but he was having trouble falling asleep. Rookie was about to fall asleep when he heard a strange noise coming from in-front of him, a strange red aura appeared in front of him and Gadget opened his eyes and saw Infinte, yes the Infinte that defeated Sonic and helped Eggman take over the world, apparently in front of the red wolf from a portal of red cubes, Infinte hadn't seemed to notice Gadget yet, Gadget tried to pretend like he was asleep but was suddenly overwhelmed by pain in his stomach, Gadget yelped with pain and curled up into a ball, groaning softly with pain. Gadget looked up and saw that Infinte had finally noticed him, Infinte reached a hand down to touch Gadget and Gadget flinched slightly and squeezed his eyes shut, but then Gadet felt a gentle hand push his glasses back up on his face, Gadget opened his eyes to see that Infinte was crouching down next to Gadget, he was so close their noses were almost touching.

Gadget: "Wh...what do you w-want from me?"

Infinte: "I'm not here to hurt you, what's wrong with you?"

Gadget: "I...I got a bad case of food poisoning."

Infinte: "Do you...want me to try and use my reality shifting powers to try and help with your pain?"

Gadget was shocked, Infinte was trying to help him? He sounded genuinely nervous for Gadget but was he planning to betray him?

Gadget: "Um, yeah some help would be great...."

Infinte cracked his knuckles and gently placed his hands on Gadget's belly, a red arua light up around Infinte's hands, Gadget could feel his pain going away, he felt much better. After a minute Infinte took his hands away from Gadgets stomach but his pain was gone.

Gadget sat up on the couch but felt a blanket being draped over his shoulders, Infinte covered Gadget with a blanket and sat down next to Gadget, Infinte was blushing behind his mask, Gadget saw that Infinte's mask seemed loose and went to touch the mask but the mask suddenly came off completely.  Infinte's mask came off to reveal his true face, Infinte looked at Gadget with a horrified and betrayed look on his face before pushing Gadget away from him, Gadget fell on his back away from Infinte, Infinte covered his face with his arms and with his back to Gadget.

Infinte: "Stay away!" "Don't look at me...I'm hideous..."

Gadget: "Infinte I'm sorry!" "I didn't mean to freak you out..."

Gadget inched towards Infinte and put his hands on Infinte's shoulders.

Gadget: "I'm sorry Infinte, I didn't mean to make you upset...I won't laugh at your face I promise!"

Infinte: "If...if I show you my you promise not to laugh?"

Gadget: "I promise I won't laugh."

Infinte turned around and Gadget gasped, Infinte was...really handsome actually. He had two different colored eyes, his left eye was a chocolate brown and his right eye was an icy blue color. A large faded scar dragged over the left side of his face and ended at his muzzle. Infinte seeing Gadget's shocked reaction Infinte shrunk back in fear with small tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

Infinte:" Is it...that bad?" "Oh no, i look even worse then I thought I did..."

Gadget: "No!" "No, no no no!" "Your really handsome!" "I think your...really cute-"

Gadget stopped and realized what he just said, both Gadget and Infinte were blushing madly at each other...Gadget moved closer to Infinte until there noses were touching.

Infinte: "What...what are you-"

Infinte was cut of by Gadget giving Infinte a peck on the lips before moving away from him.

Gadget: "Sorry, sorry!" "I didn't mean to-i just always wanted to do that...ever since I saw you...."

Infinte: "You like me?"

Gadget: " you like me too?"

Infinte: "I...yes. I loved you from the second I saw you..."

Infinte and Gadget moved closer and kissed again, Infinte giving Gadget a peck on the forehead and Gadget giving Infinte a kiss on the cheek, the two ended up cuddling together on the couch and eventually fell asleep. together.

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