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March, 2013

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March, 2013

Graduation was just around the corner and the whole batch has been just practicing for the ceremony non stop.

I can't believe that I'm making my way out of my high school life with Choon Hee by my side. Not just as my best friend but as the love of my life too.

Choon Hee hummed which snapped me out of my little thoughts. "This is so good, I swear, you really should try it." She insisted before feeding me some pasta with her fork.

I took a bite and she looked pretty satisfied as she saw my reaction, "Woah! I didn't know they had such good pasta." I exclaimed, genuinely surprised with how good the pasta tasted.

She smiled before facing the view right in front of us. We were at a beach, watching the sunset while sitting on the sand, Choon Hee sitting between my legs as my arms were gently wrapped around her figure.

We brought a few snacks from the stores that we managed to come across so we'd have something to munch on while we sit and chat here.

"I can't believe we're graduating in two days." I spoke, slightly chuckling. I rested my cheek onto the top part of her head as the sea salt wind blew through the air, making it seem so refreshing.

She sighed before she intwined our hands together, "I know right, I can't believe it either. It literally feels like yesterday when I was just introducing myself to the class." She trailed on to what I said.

"Yeah and clearly flirting with me." I teased, grinning and giggling as she abruptly turned back to face me.

She raised her eyebrow before putting a finger on her chin, acting as if she was in deep thought, "Um, from what I remember, Mr. Yang was clearly the one who told me to protect my eyes from the UV rays and also used his hand as some kind of cover when the curtains were right behind him? Yeah, totally me." I thought she'd finish there but she gasped making me gasp too.

"You told me I had pretty eyes too, did you forget?" She looked cheerfully into my eyes as she justified her stance, her face quite close to mine.

I grinned at the sight before I quickly pecked the tip of her nose before stating, "Maybe you've forgotten that you told me I had prettier eyes."

She smiled as we just continued looking into one another's orbs as if we were in our own universe. Without breaking the intimate eye contact we were sharing, she replied by nodding softly, and she whispered, "Yeah, I did say that."

She suddenly leaned in and placed her lips onto mine. I smiled before I kissed her back. I slowly pulled her closer by her waist before I started placing pecks all over her face playfully as she was laughing and giggling at how ticklish it probably felt for her.

As I halted my movements, I placed my lips onto her forehead and planted a kiss on it. "I love you, Choon Hee. So, so much."

She tilted her head up, very slightly and placed her lips on my chin, planting her own kiss too. "I love you, Jungwon. A lot more than you do." She giggled.

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