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March, 2018

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March, 2018

"Wow." I breathed as I scanned the same hallways I used to walk through everyday five years ago. I scanned the lockers, the garden, the classrooms.

It felt so familiar but at the same time, it feels so different, so new. I smiled as I would look at certain places and remember the certain memories I had.

I missed high school. I didn't know I'd miss it though. I always thought I just missed it because of Choon Hee.

Partly, yes but at the same time, I still made so many memories within this school. With friends, classmates.

I peeked my head through the door frame of one specific classroom and I grinned when I saw that it was empty, with just the desks and chairs.

I slowly walked through the classroom and sat at the very last row of seats, the one next to the window.

This was my exact seat. The exact seat I met Choon Hee in too. When she dodged my pick up lines. I chuckled as I reminisced what had happened several years ago.

Just then, I heard a group of people walk into the classroom, laughing and giggling. It was a group of boys, they seemed so cheerful and so unproblematic.

Happy go lucky vibes.

I looked over in their direction as they entered the classroom and smiled, they reminded me so much of how Ni-ki, Sunoo and I used to be during high school.

They finally noticed my presence and I snapped out of my thoughts. I stood up abruptly as I bowed and apologized for being in their classroom.

"No, no, don't be. You're a junior, right?" One of them asked. Specifically, the one wearing the schools bear mascot.

I chuckled and shook my head, "No, I'm not. I may have a baby face but I'm a lot older than that."

He laughed on as well before continuing, "Oh, you seemed awfully familiar. I thought I could make you a substitute for this bear mascot thing, cause I can't right now. But I apologize for my mistake." He bowed but before he walked off I stopped him,

"Wait, aren't the seniors playing against the alumni volleyball team today?" I asked, curiously.

He nodded innocently, "Yeah, it's some type of special event for the sports fest this year or something." He shrugged.

I grinned as I looked at him, "I'll sub you then." I stated, proudly. I held out my hand as an indication to hand over the mascot to me.

He looked confused and tilted his head to the side a little bit, "But you aren't a junior, right? They said that the juniors are the ones who should—"

I cheerfully interrupted him, "Well, I guess I'm a junior today!" As I slowly took the bear head part of the mascot out of his hand.

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