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November, 2017

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November, 2017

Isn't this getting boring? I always just keep an eye on her.

That's it.

I mean, she won't even talk or look in my direction so of course, nothing would happen.

But today,

I didn't see her today.

I mean I looked everywhere all day long and I even went to her apartment and rang the bell a few times but, nothing.

I sighed in defeat as I walked over to a nearby bench and plumbed myself on it, heavily. I ran my fingers through my hair as I looked around my surroundings.

The city was so beautiful during the night time. At the same time, the midnight looking sky was so jet black, making the twinkling stars shine even brighter .

Oh and the moon was so full, so vibrant and bright.

I breathed deeply as I absorbed the beauty of the views and then I realized that just across the street was a university.

Not just any university,

It wasn't mine either,

It's Choon Hee's university.

I widened my eyes in excitement as I saw her scanning through her bag while she was walking out of the exit of the campus.

I grinned as I dashed, despite the pedestrian walk indicating that I shouldn't cross the road as the light was still green, I couldn't help it.

I looked to my right before sprinting my way across the street. As I did a car came speeding straight for me to but luckily I was able to avoid it fast.

The car honked for quite a while and it was really loud so as I quickly made my way to the other side, I shrugged my shoulders playfully as I grinned towards the car, "Sorry!" I mouthed, before laughing it off.

As I turned my head to look at her, she was already staring at me, mouth agape as she looked like she was in a state of shock.

I cleared my throat and straightened my posture as I made the few steps towards her, until I was in front of her figure.

"What?" I asked, playfully.

She just continued to stare at me, "Did you just— like— you almost got hit by a car just now!" She stuttered, pointing at the road which had the cars running at some speeds.

I looked back at the road and smirked, "Almost but not quite." I teased as I neared my face to hers.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Yah! That's fucking dangerous. Like literally do not do that again." She emphasized before she was just about to walk away.

I quickly caught her arm, softly and she halted her movements. She hummed in acknowledgement.

"So you're just gonna walk away after caring for me so much? As you said, I nearly got hit by a car!" I exclaimed, playfully.

She scoffed, "What I did was show concern and be polite, just like what a decent human would do."

"But I just got hit by a car." I said, softly before pouting.

She giggled slightly before sighing, "Yes your pout is so cute! But my assignments are even cuter so I have to go." She teased before she took advantage of my blushing state to walk away and hop on the bus.


She's talking to me again.

She's not ignoring me anymore.

I grinned as I dipped my head, looking at the ground as I was kicking the little stones on the pathway, softly, trying to hide the redness on my cheeks.

I bit my lip to contain my little screams.

I looked up and saw the moon.

No wonder why it was so vibrant tonight.

She wasn't doing her assignments.

Why is she crying?

I looked out at her window, sadly as I could clearly see her sobbing through the window frame. Her dim light making her tears slightly visible from the distance I was at.

I had the urge to go there and ring the door bell to her apartment. I was just in the building right next to hers.

But I'm sure she wouldn't let me in,

She doesn't know me.

She was sniffling as she grabbed some tissues and blew her nose, she leaned back in her chair as she closed her eyes, probably focusing on her breathing.

Just like how I taught her back in high school.

I smiled at the memory. Maybe it just became a habit for her now, which I'm happy with.

Maybe the school works are too much for her to handle? Maybe it's just stress.

filler chapter teeheeee!

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