2015 - 2016

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January, 2015

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January, 2015

5 months.

It's been 5 months since the accident.

But I thank God everyday that she's okay. Choon Hee was in the hospital for quite a while since she broke a few bones and had fractures here and there. I wouldn't say they were severe but her condition at the time wasn't so mild either.

I don't get to see her often anymore though. I'd visit the hospital nearly everyday but it's like she barely knows who I am. She'd look at me with such cold eyes and just smile.

A smile which didn't reach her eyes.

I was making my way to a coffee shop, just to have time for myself to think and recharge. But as I was about to enter, I looked to my left and saw such a beautiful girl, sitting down and sipping her coffee.

My eyes widened as I recognized her. Finally, it'll be my chance to catch up with her again. The love of my life. I really could care less about our label but I wasn't even sure if we were still together.

My mind was a mess.

When I entered, I made my way to her and sat in the vacant seat in front of her. She halted her movements as she slowly looked up at me.

Wow. Still as beautiful as I last saw her.

I sighed deeply as I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants since I was kind of nervous to talk to her. It's been a while and I haven't really had any updates about her.

"Hey, Mosh. How have you been?" I asked, innocently, breaking into a grin right after.

All I got was that typical eyebrow raise of hers. Just staring right into my soul with no emotions visible within her orbs.

"Um—I—I haven't—like—I haven't heard from you
in— um— in a while." I stuttered as the words flew out of my mouth.

"Who are you?" She questioned, cold-heartedly.



I laughed nervously, "Mosh, what do you mean? I'm your boyfriend, Jungwon? Your bestfriend? You don't remember?" I asked, confused and scared. My voice started cracking as I spoke.

I don't understand. What's up with her? I don't get it.

Why does she not remember me?

October, 2015

Should I consider myself a creepy stalker? No, right?

I'm just trying to make sure she's okay and safe wherever she goes. I wouldn't want to witness the same thing I did a year ago.

I tightly held onto the sunflower within my hand as I hid myself behind the library shelf. I stared at her as she was tying her hair up in a ponytail, not taking her eyes off of the book she was reading.

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