2021 pt. 1

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December, 2020 New Year's Eve

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December, 2020
New Year's Eve

"Babe! Let's go! So we can still catch up for the midnight fireworks!" I shouted from the other side of the house as she was still getting ready in her room.

"Yeah! Wait one sec!" She yelled back, the sounds all muffled because of the amount of walls which blocked her voice.

I sat on her couch as I scrolled through my phone, looking for the different restaurants that were still available for booking.

I bit my lip as I found a new restaurant which was just by the place where we'd be watching fireworks later.

I grinned as I booked a table for two and just then I heard her door open, making me lock my phone.

I stood up and looked at her in awe.

"So? How do I look, Babe?" She exclaimed, excitedly, twirling around in her pastel pink dress.

She looked beautiful, as always. She was angel. Not an angel in disguise. She literally looked like one and she even is one.

"Perfect, Babe." I whispered, loud enough for her to hear. My eyes continued to roam around her, just admiring her beauty.

She squinted her eyes as she moved her face closer to me, "Or maybe you're just saying that because I'm your girlfriend?"

I chuckled as I found her reaction ridiculously cute and I took the opportunity to grab her by the waist and pull her closer.

Our noses were touching and I couldn't help but give her a peck on her lips before planting a kiss on her forehead.

She smiled, "Let's go? I'm driving!" She exclaimed as I slowly let go of my grip on her.

5:15 pm

"Babe, where is this?" I spoke as I looked around while she was stirring the wheel, putting the car into parking.

I observed the surroundings and it looked like a field? So full of trees and greenery.

She sighed as she finally had the car parked, she leaned back into the car seat before running her fingers through her hair.

She turned around and looked at me, "You ready, Babe?"

I looked at her confused, "What do you mean? Of course I am."

"You're about to meet the other half of me." She said, softly before smiling.

We were walking side by side, hand in hand as we were enjoying the wind. I admired how fresh the air was and the sun just finished setting so it was dim yet not too dark either.

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