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September, 2020

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September, 2020

"Hmm!" She groaned in delight as she munched on her pasta. I chuckled at the sight as it made some kind of soft spot in my heart.

Was she always this cute?

"Babe! How did you know this was my favorite place to have pasta?" She asked as she smiled, licking the excess sauce off her lips.

I tilted my head to the side a little and I furrowed my eyebrows, "Didn't you tell me? I took you here back when we were graduating." I nervously said as I twirled my fork within my own pasta and took a bite as I listened to her.

"Huh, really?" She genuinely asked as she looked up as she was stuck in her thoughts, a pout plastered on her lips.

As she kept twirling her fork within her pasta, I noticed that she was still wearing the ring.

I smiled when I saw it but then I saw it on her right ring finger.

The time she started talking to me again, she was wearing the ring on her left ring finger.

I clearly remember it. How could I even forget how the emotions within me were crazy at the time.

"Your ring." I breathed out and she looked confused at first. She then looked down on her right hand and saw it.

She smiled softly, "Yeah, what about it?"

"It's not on your left hand. I mean, I'm just asking 'cause I remember seeing it on your left hand." I quickly reassured so that I didn't come off as some kind of nosy boyfriend.

She giggled at my reaction, "Don't worry, you don't sound aggressive but yeah, I'm wearing it on my right hand now."

She seemed,

So down.


She released her grip on her fork and held her hand in front of her, her free fingers playing with the ring as she smiled, softly.

"I'm leaving my left hand free for another ring, I guess." She stated as she slowly turned her gaze from the ring to me before grinning.

I was confused.

Is she hinting something?

"What is that supposed to mean?" I questioned, raising my left eyebrow playfully as I brought both elbows onto the table and leaned my chin on both my hands.

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