Hit and Run

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She turned quickly, to a man she warned Dream to never bring back.

"N-No- No Clay- Clay god dammit I told you to leave him be! He was fine as a ghost he was happy! He was free of any danger he-" she looked to the masked man, who started laughing.

"He was in the void, his own personally created limbo, for about a decade, maybe two. Three, even. Actually, Thomas, how long were you in pitch black?"

Tori looked back to her now alive, revived, father.
"this can't be real-"

"Sixty-Seven.." the blond man paused.

"s-sixtey seven years in nothing.." his breath quickened, his hands going to his hair.

His features didn't change much from when he was alive. He still had his normal outfit on, but one thing Tori had noticed, was his face and hair.

His hair was snowy white, and his face looked to be torn, and stitched together. It reminded her of Tubbo's burn marks, but this time Tommy had  stitches.

His left eye was pure white, his right, a baby blue. His raccoon ears were a faded caramel, as well as his tail.

Tori covered her mouth with her hand, her free hand gripping her mask tightly.

She looked to Dream, then to her father, who was breaking down quickly.

She took off running.


"Uncle Wil! We need to get far- I need to get far!" She shouted as she burst through the door of the burger van.
A bit after the massacre, he told her him and Techno would wait for her in there.

"Why? Are you that eager to spend time with your favorite-"

"Dream brought Tommy back"

Wilbur went silent, his eyes a bit wide as he stared at her. He opened his mouth to speak, but Technoblade stopped him, putting a hand on the brunettes shoulder.

"Let's get going. I think Phil would like to see Tori, make sure she's okay. No one found out she was Jupiter" he spoke.

"Don't even mention that name" the girl hissed, her voice shaking with fear of herself. Of what she did.

She killed Fundy.
She killed Foolish.
She killed Foolish Jr.
She helped kill BadBoyHalo.

Techno simply nodded, and moved infront of Wilbur and her, to open the door.

"We have to go through Las Navadas to let Dream know we're going, and to warn Tommy to make sure he stays quiet about what happened" he looked to Tori, referring to what she told him not to mention.

Wilbur nodded, adjusting his trenchcoat.

Tori put the mask on her face, tightening it so it stayed on, and put her hood up.

They made their way to the fountain, where Tommy was sitting on the ground against the stone of the structure, hugging his knees. He looked horrified, and scared.

Dream was busy reviving people.

"Dream! We're leaving, we'll be in the Arctic Empire. After that Jupiter will go to her home back in Snowchester." Wilbur told him. Dream responded, but Tori didn't pay attention to it.

Instead, she listened to Techno.

"Tom." He spoke, gently kicking the man in the shin to get his attention, though the blond flinched heavily in response.

"Y-Yeah Tech?" He spoke quickly, and quietly.
This wasn't the man she knew as her father. This was a sad shell of what he used to be.

"If you say anything about Tori being here tonight, and being on the same side as Dream, I'll put you straight back in that void. For Good. Tell yourself she was never here until you actually believe it- and trust me, if you tell anyone, I'll find out"

FatherInnit (Adoption AU) (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now