Chapter 1

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The summer was throwing up one of those hot, balmy days whose sole purpose appeared to be to remind everyone what they'd be missing as autumn was just around the corner. This was a big day for the trio as they were all Hogwarts bound tomorrow, at the moment they were mounted on brooms, bound at low height and high velocity towards the small, private cemetery on the Potter grounds where Xeno and Dan had been laid to rest.

At least once a week they would fly or ride up to the small walled area, shaded by an ancient oak, where they would refresh the flowers while keeping both fathers up to date with the current news. Harry sat against the tree and watched his girls as they chatted away to the men they loved while removing the dying flora and generally tiding-up around the head stones, the three broomsticks sitting beside him turned his thoughts towards Sirius and drew a smile to his face.

Padfoot would probably be parading around the manor with Danni on his back, her infectious laughter filling the whole house with merriment. Everyone admitted that he'd made a tremendous impact on their lives at a time when they were at their lowest ebb.

With Emma recovering from her injuries and Maia trying to put their lives back in some sort of order it was left to Cas to make all the arrangements. They weren't sure how she managed it but both bodies were released by the separate authorities and they had a private funeral, which Harry still rated as easily the worse day of his life. The irreplaceable elf once more demonstrated her caring understanding of the situation by packing them all off to the Florida beach house for a much needed change of scenery.

It was a week into this holiday when Cas approached him with a view to bringing his godfather there for a visit, Harry wasn't sure what to do but both his girls pushed him into it; he'd been putting it off too long.

Sirius was more of a nervous wreck than Harry was, one sight of the boy who was the spitting image of his father almost had the marauder in tears, "Hello Harry, I'm your godfather."

Harry looked at him strangely before making a request, "Could you turn into Paddy? I need to be sure."

Sirius morphed into Padfoot and suddenly had a nine-year-old boy, with both arms wrapped around his neck, crying into his fur. To an outsider it was just a boy with his dog, to both participants it was much, much more, "It's all true, I didn't dream it. I remember you." Harry sobbed.

The long remembered scent of his godson proved too much for the animagus as he changed back, with both arms around the sobbing boy, to find himself confronted by two young girls with wands in their hands and retaliation in their hearts.

A white phoenix flamed onto the brown haired girl's shoulders and its song was like throwing a switch as both young ladies suddenly joined the hug. "Sorry sir, we thought you had hurt Harry," the brown haired girl said as the shocks just kept piling up for Sirius.

"It would take more than Sirius Black to hurt Harry in a room with Cas and Hedwig though when did you two get so fast!"

"Maia Lovegood?" squawked Sirius, "Everyone thinks you're dead!" Understanding flashed across his face as he looked down to the little blond girl, "Can I assume that you are Luna?"

Her nod brought a tight hug along with realization that they were far safer with people believing they'd died.

Harry finished the introductions, "This is Hermione and that's her mother, Emma, I thought you were all going to stay sunbathing on the deck?"

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