Chapter 16

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The magical community awoke that morning to discover the world as they knew it had radically altered, the herald of that change was none other than award winning journalist Rita Skeeter. The Prophet readers were left feeling as if they were caught in a battle as revelation after revelation was cast upon them, leaving them reeling and desperate for some relief. Rita's article didn't provide any relief but instead offered up the next best thing. A target that they could vent their anger at, for being deliberately misled and downright lied to for so long. Rita offered up Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic.

Cornelius was in his office though hoped he was actually at home, still tucked-up in bed and suffering from a horrendous nightmare. Anything was better than this! The 'this' in question happened to be today's edition of the Prophet that sat open on his desk. Any one of the headlines here would see him in serious trouble, all of them combined was a broadside designed to sink his term at the ministry.

The Potters' were not only refusing the awards he'd exclusively announced, they were leaving Hogwarts. Headline grabbing as this was, it paled into insignificance against the real horror that would break him.

You-Know-Who not dead – truth being hidden by We-Know-Who

The article then proceeded to accurately describe what transpired behind the scenes at the ill fated Quidditch match and the subsequent death of Draco Malfoy. The most damaging indictment of the minister was the evidence proving that the dark lord was not deceased yet he wanted to hide this from everyone by throwing a mother into Azkaban for murder.

The writing was on the wall, floor, ceiling and windows for Fudge, this was politically un-survivable. Those blasted Potters had even came out in support of Bones, Longbottom and McGonagall. This denied Cornelius the pleasure of at least taking a few people down with him, he reached into a drawer for some parchment and ink. He began scratching out a letter, knowing that his resignation would be the last time he would sign something as the minister of magic.


The impact on the Weasley household was just as devastating, "How much of this did you know about beforehand?" Molly demanded of three of her children.

Undaunted Fred replied, "All of it."

Molly was fighting to control her legendary temper but it was a struggle, "You knew he was back yet still wanted to stay friends with the Potters?"

George fielded this one, "They told us straight to our face that it might become dangerous being friends with them. They said they would understand if we chose not to, everyone there said yes."

Molly was about to embark on one of her rants when her youngest child showed wisdom far beyond her years, she said the one thing guaranteed to make her mother stop and think. "Neville said it best and spoke for all of us. Yes it might be dangerous to be friends with the Potters if he's back but the Longbottom's and Weasley's will never support the dark. That already places us in danger, together we are stronger than we are apart."

Arthur had to clear his throat before speaking, his daughters words had left him choking with emotion, chiefly pride. The tears slowly leaking from his wife's eyes also told the patriarch who had came tops in this discussion. "It would seem that your friends are not just smart but honourable as well, these are traits every parent strives to teach their children. Your mother and I had a long discussion on this subject last night, we think you should continue your friendship with the Potters."

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