Chapter 3

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Augusta Longbottom nearly choked on her Earl Grey as she read the note from her grandson, just mentioning Dumbledore's name in her presence was enough to get her gander up but this went way beyond that. The news that his pet death eater might have been involved in her son and daughter-in-laws attack left Augusta wanting to rip the old bastard's vital organs out through his ears.

She was heading to the fireplace to floocall Amelia when her friend's head appeared in the flames; obviously Neville wasn't the only one who wrote home tonight. "Can you believe the Potters finally turn up and the staff end up firing curses at them, we need to get him this time Augusta!"

"I agree Amelia and while my first instinct is to barge right in there first thing tomorrow morning, I think we need to speak to Lord's Potter and Black first. We know what a slippery bastard Dumbledore is but if word of this gets out then I'm sure they'll both lose their jobs, probably Fudge as well for allowing Hogwarts to get in such a state. You may have to throw your hat in the ring for the minister's post Amelia because some of the other candidates would set us back years."

The full implication of the repercussions this could cause began to become clear to the head of the DMLE, "Augusta, you know I don't want that job, that's the only reason we left Fudge where he was. We know he's useless but some of the others who are interested would push all our reforms into the background and fight us at every turn, we need to think about this carefully. I wonder if Lord Potter will actually send us those figures, we could 'accidentally' leak them to the press. Rita Skeeter owes me a favour and she would jump at the chance."

"There's bound to be interest in his return to the wizarding world so perhaps she would tag it on to that, I think we should still go to Hogwarts tomorrow as I need to see Minerva about arranging private potions tuition for Neville. We should be able to talk to the Potters then as well, since we still don't know where they live."

Both women agreed to go with that plan for now; Amelia was going to pull Susan out of Snape's class as well.


Arthur Weasley wasn't surprised when an owl delivered a letter from Ginny, what did surprise him though was his wife breaking down sobbing. He was just beginning to think that his only daughter had been sorted into Slytherin when Molly managed to speak, "Little Luna Lovegood is alive, so is her mother." It took a few deep breaths to try and get herself back under control while the news washed over Arthur. "That's not the half of it, Luna and another girl called Hermione are married to Harry Potter, Ginny met them on the express and spent the full journey chatting to them. Turns out they're not boarding at Hogwarts and Albus had a big fight with them over this, he's spending the night in the infirmary because they took his phoenix away from him."

Arthur was puzzled, "Harry Potter's in the infirmary because Albus took his phoenix off him?"

Molly made that aggravating noise that women trying to explain something to their stupid husbands have patented since time began, the fact she was doing a piss poor job of the explaining had nothing to do with it. "Why don't you listen Arthur, Albus is in the hospital because the Potters took his phoenix, Fawkes, away from him. Turns out the Potters have their own phoenix, its pure white and named Hedwig."

"Are you sure this isn't a prank from the twins? A white phoenix?"

"Yes love, a white phoenix, and there is a note here from the twins. Turns out the Potters have invited them and Ginny to spend the weekend at the Potter house, apparently all we have to do is sign this permission slip and it's all above board."

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