Chapter 5

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Susan Bones was undergoing the same experience Ginny Weasley had in Gryffindor, unlike her fellow redhead though the Hufflepuff had no answers for her house mates having never spoken to the Potters. She'd spent the whole day answering 'I don't know' to a constant and eclectic barrage of questions, having two 'study periods' hadn't helped as all anyone wanted to talk about was the first year trio.

It was with some relief that she could finally feign tiredness and escape to her dorm, the escape wasn't total though as her best friend Hannah Abbot had followed her up the stairs.

"Running away won't help you know."

"Oh Hannah I just couldn't take it anymore and I know it's going to get worse after I actually spend some time with the Potters."

"Yeah but Suz, even you have to admit he's hot, watching him take down Snape made my insides go all aquiver."

"The two girls that helped him just happen to be his wives, they were beautiful and scary at the same time. Harry has offered me friendship and that's what I want, he doesn't need another girl standing there with drool running down her chin just because he speaks to them, they're already plenty of girls who seem to be vying for that position."

"Do you know they're starting up a 'Harry Potter Fan Club' with you or the Weasley girl's names being put forward as president?"

Susan couldn't believe they were being so foolish, "The last thing he will want is a lot of fan girls chucking their knickers at him, combine that with the fact his two wives seemed capable of handling just about anyone and you can see why there is no chance of me being involved with this rubbish."

Hannah was trying not to laugh at her best friend's indignation, she had known what her reaction would be from the moment she'd heard the suggestion made by the other girls. "Ok then but now for the really important question, what clothes are you going to wear for your weekend with the Potters?"

The look of panic on Susan's face was almost comical, "Merlin Hannah, I haven't a clue, what am I going to do?"

Hannah would have laughed if not for the seriousness of the situation, her friend was desperate to fit in which required the right clothes, "How about sending an owl to your aunt for advice, she met with them today and should be able to give you some idea of what to expect."

Susan threw her arms round her friend in relief, all thoughts of sleep pushed to the back of her mind; she had another important letter to write.


The trio lay in bed that night in a rather reflective mood, they'd had quite a day even by their standards. Harry was running his fingers through his girls' hair as usual but it seemed ineffective tonight, the elephant was in the room so he acknowledged the beast, hoping to put the matter to bed.

"Luna what do you think about Sirius and mum getting married?"

"It will have a big impact on our lives but things can't always stay the same, no matter how much we want them to. They are certain to be watching us closely to see what we think of this, it was clear just how much Sirius was hurt by our reaction today so we're going to have to be careful. I've seen the way mum looks when she's holding Danni, she clearly wants another child and I can't think of a better man for her than Sirius."

Hermione almost whispered, "I think its mum we'll need to keep an eye on, Maia and Sirius getting married could start to drive a wedge between them if she feels left out. We should try as much as possible to include her in everything."

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