Chapter 15

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Sirius entered the interview room and for a moment thought he saw something swiftly pass behind the cool exterior that his cousin was projecting, he may be no expert on emotions but thought it might be hope.

"Hello Cissi, how are you holding up?"

She glanced at the head of the Black family, "The dark lord took my husband, my sister and now my son, I carry his mark Sirius and whatever they do to me cannot be worse than having to plunge a dagger into Draco's heart."

Sirius sat in the chair across from her, "It's our intention to get you out of here, even if we have to topple the minister to do it. You're family Cissi and Andi was ready to go head-to-head with a couple of aurors so she could get in here to see you. We managed to convince her that wasn't such a good idea but it was a close call."

He detected the first crack in her demeanour as her eyes showed signs of filling up with unshed tears, "I know what it is to think your life is over but believe me when I say there can be light at the end of the tunnel. We will ensure our world knows the truth of Draco's death and the Quidditch match, Fudge doesn't want this but the magical public need to have this information in case Voldemort attempts another return."

"Another return?"

"Everyone knows what happened with baby Harry and Dumbledore apparently had Voldemort in the school last year growing out the back of Quirrell's head. We can't verify this since Dumbledore is still unconscious and it's beginning to appear as if he won't be awakening ever again. What chance did twelve-year-old Draco have when Voldemort's spirit could possess a Hogwarts Defence against the Dark Arts Professor?

Narcissa was having trouble believing that she'd killed her son yet not ended the problem, "You mean after all that it was for nothing?" Her tears were flowing now.

"No Cissi you did a wondrous thing, he somehow placed a part of himself in a diary and used that to take over Draco. You may have destroyed the thing that prevented him dying in the first place. Hopefully we can now finish the job and banish him to rot in hell forever."

"How are you going to do that?"

"You let us worry about that, first thing we need to do is get you out of here."


Hedwig dropped them just outside the Burrow's wards; it really was bad manners to appear inside them unless you had an invitation. They were walking up the path toward the eccentric building when they heard a voice from above them.

"Oi, what are you lot doing here? You can't just …"

Ron never got to finish what he was shouting as Ginny nearly knocked him off his broom when her Nimbus blasted past him as if he were standing still, three seconds later she had Luna bundled to the ground in a desperate hug. "Luna Potter, you scared the bloody life out of me. NEVER do that again!"

The twins weren't far behind their sister and had Hermione and Harry in a group hug before the two youngest got off the ground. "Ginny's right guys, you really scared us. We've been going nuts here all day, I thought we would have heard from you sooner."

Harry could see they had been worried, "Sorry, we thought Sirius had updated you on the mirrors, remember we had to attend Wyedean High today before going to the ministry."

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