Chapter 7

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It was almost time for the Weasleys to show up and Harry was now regretting inviting them, Snape's admissions about his mother had made him feel sick inside and dirty all over, he would also like the chance to cave the bastard's head in with a blunt instrument but was certain Sirius would get there before him.

He was surrounded and supported by his family though, his wives either side of him and even little Danni sensed her big brother needed hugs because she hadn't let him go all evening. Harry had no intention of putting her down, Luna had mentioned Mrs Weasley's habit of hugging anything that didn't move fast enough out of her reach so he had no qualms about using his favourite sister as a human shield, Danni was currently in his arms with both her little arms around his neck as Cas brought Ginny's parents into the manor.

You could practically hear Ginny's back crack in protest as the mother's arms smothered her child, any objection she might have uttered would have been lost anyway since her head was buried in that ample bosom, not that she would have been heard over the noise her mother was making.

"Oh Ginny, I was so worried. Your father told me you were ok but what do men know, you should have come straight back home where I could have fixed you up properly, what were you thinking of? Here let me get a good look at you."

Harry was astonished that the woman had managed to get all that out in one breath, he was none too pleased about the 'properly' remark but let it slide for the moment as Mr Weasley approached him, obviously able to just tune his wife out by now, a skill worth his weight in gold.

"Ah Harry, who is this lovely young lady?"

Danni smiled at the strange man but held on to her brother tighter, "This is my little sis, Danni this is Ginny's father and mother."

The little girl had liked Ginny instantly so smiled at her father, Molly looked ready to inform everyone that Danni couldn't be Harry's sister when her daughter grabbed her by the arm, "Harry is it ok if I show my mother where I'll be staying?"

She hardly waited for his answer before dragging her mother out of there, Ginny had unintentionally caused one scene today so she was in no mood to let her mother create any more, not if she had anything to do with it.

As the Weasley woman left, Sirius asked the question that they all wanted to know the answer to, "Arthur what happened at the trial today?"

Arthur hesitated before deciding it would be all over the papers tomorrow anyway, "Snape never made it out the Wizengamot chamber, he was kissed by a Dementor directly after questioning but not before several arrest warrants were issued, and one was for Dumbledore. Apparently he was aware of Harry's treatment at the hands of his relatives but wanted him kept demure and pliable so he would do as Albus wished, he was also too busy spending your money to interfere. Snape reported that Albus was aware you were innocent Sirius; Snape certainly knew you were no death eater and thought it was all a great joke. They will also be questioning the old man about Maia's attempted murder so I think he will be at least changing accommodation for one that has bars on the windows."

The spike of anger that went through the group was tempered by the fact that justice was finally being done, Snape was gone for good and Dumbledore wouldn't be far behind him. The group headed through to the dining room while awaiting the return of the missing Weasley's, they might have a wait on their hands.

Molly was mesmerised by 'Ginny's room' and her daughter used this to her advantage, "Mum I want you to be on your best behaviour tonight, we've had a hard day and the trial on top, my friends don't need any more hassle, they just want a nice pleasant dinner and that's what they're going to get."

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