Chapter 14

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Draco heard the screams coming from the stadium and although part of him was thrilled their attack was proceeding as planned, another deeper part realised a line had been crossed that could never be taken back, Draco Malfoy was now a murderer!

Their plan called for him to hide at the edge of the forest and insert himself amongst the survivors as they fled the stadium in panic, the massive cheer was unnerving as all the things that could have gone wrong started playing games with his mind. Even at this distance he could hear the commanding voice calling for calm, this was really bad news as he needed chaos to remain unnoticed, he was then almost noticed by his new head of house on a broom, if they were looking for him already he was in deep shit.

The voice in his head triggered to quell Draco's panic, Tom had come too far to fall at the last hurdle, "We have to be prepared for any eventuality, now is not the time for panic."

"I don't think I can do this anymore!"

Tom's voice was like velvet, "Then perhaps its time to complete the ritual and I will be able to protect us."

"This wasn't what we agreed."

"I know, but should you finish up in Azkaban or kissed by a dementor the opportunity would be gone. Do you think they will waste time on a trial for the individual who sent a Basilisk to a Quidditch match?"

"I don't know what to do!"

"Yes but I do which is why I think we should complete the joining now, while we still have the chance. I guarantee that tonight we will be sleeping comfortably in Malfoy Manor."

That was the clincher for Draco, the choice between a ministry cell and his room at the manor was not really a decision that required any thought on his part. Tom had coached him on what the ritual required so he sat crossed-legged on the grass, cutting the palm of his right hand before firmly clutching his wand in it.

"I Draco Malfoy, of my own free will, invite Tom Marvolo Riddle into my body."

There were no flashes of light, no magical shockwaves and no sound, just Draco Malfoy sitting up a bit straighter.

"Oh that feels good, it would appear I was correct and people still believed whatever they wanted to hear." Draco Malfoy had given up his life so Tom could live, it was time to start putting that sacrifice to good use.


Amelia, Augusta, Minerva and Pomona were standing in the middle of the Quidditch pitch while making arrangements for what was about to happen, Augusta figured the massive crowd would be appreciative and easier to manage if they could actually see what was happening.

Amelia had every available auror in Britain on site now and distributed them to patrol the route from the stadium to Hogsmead, they had commandeered the Three Broomsticks where the Hogwarts elves were depositing student trunks and setting up refreshments. It would soon be time to evacuate the stadium a stand at a time, seeing them safely down to the inn where they could floo, apparate or portkey home, depending on their preference. Pomona was going to take charge in Hogsmead while Minerva made sure all their students arrived in the village safely.

Augusta congratulated her friend, "Minerva you must be very proud of your students, they reacted quickly, worked together and saved a lot of lives today. The ministry will be looking to award some form of recognition for their brave actions."

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