Chapter 11

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Harry lay in bed with a wife in each arm and knew it was time to talk, he could sense Hermione and Luna were both awake but afraid to say anything for fear of reopening the wounds of yesterday, he kissed each girl on the forehead before speaking, "Ok then, I'll go first, just please don't interrupt and let me get it all out. I'm sorry for trying to block you out yesterday, had I just explained my feelings to you both then this whole thing could have been avoided. Instead I got angry that you two appeared to be focusing on what Jillian was feeling while ignoring mine, I also apologise for deciding that all three of us would not be going to the party without consulting you first, that was wrong of me."

The girls were clinging to him now as he took a deep breath before continuing, "I will not apologise for what I said to Jillian, she lied with the sole purpose of manipulating me, two of the things you both know I hate. I will try to rebuild our friendship, she did apologise after all but it will take some time and also for her to realise that I can't be her boyfriend. In all honesty I don't think I could stomach her party tonight but will listen to what you both have to say on that."

He kissed both his wives again before settling back to hear what they had to say, Hermione went next, "Harry I'm so sorry I let my temper get the better of me, if I'd just stayed calm and looked at the problem from different angles then all off this could have been avoided. I was so sure I was right that I just never gave any other options a thought, something I'll need to work on in the future. All I could see was a girl hurting and, having been hurt many times before I met you both, I was desperate to help. So desperate that it blinkered me from the hurt I was causing the people I love with all my heart, so determined that I emotionally dragged Luna along with me, for that I can only truly and deeply say how sorry I am to both of you."

Harry was running his fingers through both girls hair and used his hand to turn the tearful Hermione's face towards him for a kiss, she once more snuggled into her husband as Luna began to talk, "I won't let you take all the blame Hermione, like you I saw our friend hurting yet totally ignored our husband's pain and for that I feel ashamed. Harry has shown me nothing but love and kindness since the moment we met yet I feel I betrayed him yesterday. We've been repeatedly told to be careful because our bond magnifies our emotions towards one another but this is the first time we have experienced the negative side of that, if we hurt one another then it really bloody hurts!"

A tearful Luna now required a kiss from her husband before she could continue, "Until Cas threw you into our bath I had no idea what to do to fix the problem, it felt like a vital part of me was missing and I could barely function without it. Harry you were right to come down hard on Jillian yesterday, she wasn't taking no for an answer and our relationship has to be protected. The thought of you kissing another girl the way you do us would rip my heart out, this dating others nonsense is well and truly over!"

She was blushing before she could say the next bit, "About last night, is that our new limit?"

Hermione's hand was on her cheek, soothing the girl, "Luna you're the youngest so the limit is set where ever you're happy with, you know that."

"Oh I was very happy with the new limit, just no further for a while?"

This earned her hugs and kisses from both her bond mates, "Whatever you say love, we did get a bit carried away and we could even take it back a bit if you wanted?"

"Don't even think about that Harry, I'm already looking forward to tonight!"

This brought to the fore the problem they were still faced with, the birthday party tonight, "Ok lets talk about what we've got here, both Luna and I have said we will go and, while I don't want to attend, I wouldn't feel comfortable turning up in school this afternoon and saying sorry but I'm not going anymore. Harry has, quite rightly said he's not going so how do we handle this?"

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