Chapter 12

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Ginny was worried that she was going to be out of her depth when entering second year until she realised that both Susan and Neville were not that far ahead of her in today's tasks, Maia had changed their potions lesson so that Ginny would have the basic skills needed for beginning second year. Neville was actually enjoying himself and said so to Maia, "Snape never showed us anything like this, potions make's sense when someone actually explains the steps and techniques to you."

Fred and George already knew Ginny's news after speaking to their parents before coming to Potter Manor, they were not surprised at Ron's demotion as even Percy couldn't get the lazy git to study. All were staying the night as the twins had business to discuss with the marauders while Neville and Susan were going to mark the other four's cards on being second years.

When they eventually sat in the library, Luna tried to explain why they were moving into second year, "Neville, can you make this pencil float?"

Neville took out his father's wand, pronounced the spell while doing the wand movement and the pencil rose, much to the boy's relief.

Luna turned to Ginny, "Now you do it."

Ginny just pointed her wand at the pencil and it floated smoothly and easily into the air, with an astonished Neville and Susan's eyes glued to it.

"Now when Harry got his wand, his grandfather asked him to make the pencil float, he had intended that when it didn't move he would then explain the need for wand movements and structured spells. Harry didn't know this and just focused on the pencil floating, it did!"

Harry smiled at the memory, "It took me a while to figure out why Gran kept telling Granddad not to push me too hard but eventually we got the full story."

Luna continued her explanation, "The way we do magic is usually only taught by a master to his apprentice and is very difficult to learn, when Hermione and I arrived and started doing magic the exact same way, Grandfather came up with a theory."

Hermione interrupted to clear up a point, "Two actually, we now know Harry was helping us over our forming bond which is why we picked it up so quickly, our husband has an instinctual relationship with his magic and can get it to do pretty much what he wants. He's also brilliant at teaching us because he can lead our minds right through the entire process which helps immensely."

"Yeah just don't ask him to explain it to you, for that you need Hermione. Anyway Granddad's theory was that after many years of being taught to do magic a certain way, trying to forget everything you've ever learned is what makes it so difficult to use magic the way we do. After having regimented spells and wand movements drummed into you it's almost impossible to try to levitate something without thinking 'Wingardium Leviosa' in your mind."

Harry agreed, "Sirius, Remus and Maia have all failed to mange more than a levitation spell while Nym nearly drove herself nuts before deciding she was going to stick with the old fashioned way for her exams. Then, as if to prove a point, along comes Ginny and picks it up very quickly because she hasn't been taught the structured way to do magic yet."

Susan began to see where this was heading, "Are you offering to teach us this method of performing magic?"

Luna nodded, "In a word yes, you may struggle at first to pick it up and even slip back in some of your classes but once you get it, it will never leave you and then magic becomes like exercise, the more you keep at it the stronger you get."

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