Chapter 8

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Susan had a dilemma on her hands, the astonishingly hansom boy who made her knees wobble just by looking in her direction had asked for help, but Nym had explained quite clearly what giving that help might cost her. She was unwilling to chance losing her three new friends but Susan knew if Cedric smiled at her like that again she'd tell him what colour of underwear she had on and anything else he wanted to know.

She was sitting with Neville watching a fascinating match unfold in front of their eyes, the Gryffindor chasers were a really tight unit who flew with military precision and had countless tactical formations in their arsenal, the three girls were a formidable force. The Potters on the other hand didn't use any recognisable formation whatsoever, they were more like an organic organism who appeared to be everywhere at once and each member always knew exactly where their two partners were.

Oliver was attempting every strategy he knew to try and counter what the Potters were doing but there was a glaringly obvious, though fatal flaw in his plans, he hadn't a clue what the Potters were doing or how they were carrying it off.

The score had remained fairly even but that was down purely to the keepers, not that Nym wasn't very good but Woods was brilliant, he was easily the busier of the two keepers but this just seemed to inspire him to pull off a string of amazing saves.

The beaters weren't a factor in this game as the Weasley twins were hardly likely to fire bludgers at their baby sister and the opposition chasers were their hosts for the weekend, they had a whole different competition going on with the marauders where they were smashing the balls at each other with incredible force and loving every minute of it.

With the teams evenly balanced the match would probably be decided by the seekers and here there was no contest, in a challenge that required grace, speed and agility, it was like a rhino trying to compete with a swallow, Ginny Weasley was born to fly.

As Ginny got better acquainted with her new broom, and began to loose her nerves over playing a proper Quidditch match for the first time, it became crystal clear the only way McLaggen was going to catch the snitch was if it flew into his mouth. He couldn't use his superior weight and size to bully the little redhead because both her brothers had warned him before the match that this was a friendly and, should he damage one hair of her head, he would become best friends with their beater bats.

Susan glanced around at the two mothers sitting watching with little Danni and had a brainwave, her Aunt Amelia had always taught her never to be afraid to ask for help.

Emma watched as the strawberry blond approached, you could see something was troubling her from twenty feet away, "How can we help you Susan?"

She tried valiantly not to blush as she explained the situation, "Our house Quidditch captain asked me to inform him if any of the Hufflepuffs playing here today were capable of making the team, well Nym is very good but Harry, Luna and Hermione are fantastic! The problem is that when Cedric find's out he's going to be all over them to play in the Hufflepuff team."

"And you're wondering if you should lie to this Cedric?" asked Maia.

Any pretence of hiding her blushing evaporated, "I don't think I could lie to Cedric ma'am."

Both women tried not to smile as the situation became clear to them, Susan's crush couldn't have been any clearer if she'd rented a billboard to display it for the world to see. Maia attempted a solution, "Susan I suggest we talk to them about it, let them at least be forewarned of the situation. I think it may do them some good as I know they enjoy sports with their other friends, Luna was the strongest voice against going to Hogwarts so if you can convince her the other two will go along."

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