Chapter 6

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McGonagall met the aurors at the gate and led them towards the damaged greenhouse, she'd put Hagrid on guard to make sure Snape wasn't going anywhere, one look at all the spilt blood from the children had Hagrid almost hoping the murdering swine would try to escape.

When Shacklebolt viewed the crime scene he was sure Snape was going down, the blast that hit the roof would have killed anything smaller than a mountain troll, a twelve-year-old boy wouldn't have had a hope of surviving if that curse hit his body. "Professor McGonagall, do you know what happened to the invisibility cloak and Snape's wand?"

"Lord Potter had them, I'm certain he'll bring them to the trial. I want to go with you as my next class is cancelled since this piece of work put most of them in the infirmary"

The youngest auror approached Shacklebolt, "Sir, should we try and reverse some of those curses, the prisoner appears to be in a great deal of pain."

Shacklebolt asked McGonagall, "How many?"

"Fourteen with cuts all over and another five suffering from shock after seeing their classmates sliced open by flying glass."

Shacklebolt stared hard at the young auror, "The prisoner put nineteen kids in the infirmary, what do you think we should do auror?"

The auror's jaw hardened, "Well sir, those curses were applied by a master of their craft, if we tried to remove them we might just make his situation worse, my recommendation would be to leave as is and transport him as best we can."

Shack grinned, "Outstanding answer son, and that's exactly what I'll say to Madam Bones if she asks me why we left him looking like a pin cushion."

Snape was levitated none to carefully as the group made its way outside Hogwarts wards so they could apparate to the ministry, thankful for the silencing charm that was still holding on the murdering git.


Hedwig flashed them into Potter Manor and both girls leapt into the waiting arms of Maia and Sirius while Harry was hugging an elf, the other three in the group had some of the blanks filled in when harry spoke to the little female, "Cas you were wonderful, Dumbledore didn't have a clue what he was up against."

"I still think you should have let me drop him off a tower for all the hurt he's caused this family, I just hope this Snape goes away for a very long time or he'll find me waiting on him for what he's done to you," the tender way she touched the cuts on the boys face was in complete contrast to the steel in her voice, these were not idle threats this elf was making.

Maia was handing out a potion to the kids and handling the introductions at the same time, "Hello Arthur, nice to see you again and you must be Professor Sprout, I'm Maia Lovegood and that is Sirius Black, I believe you've already met Cas and Emma has taken little Danni a walk down to the stables. You're very welcome in our home, I just wish the circumstances were a bit better.

Ginny felt instantly better after drinking the potion and it tasted of strawberries, Luna understood the confused look on her face, "Mum has her own version of a blood replenishing potion, as well as replenishing it has the same effect as a pepper-up and her potions always taste good, you'll feel much better but this afternoon we'll all need a nap."

Sirius meanwhile couldn't take his eyes off the cloak in Harry's hands, "Where did you get that?"

"The git was using it to sneak up on us, Hedwig got there in the nick of time then Professor Sprout was amazing."

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