The Engagement

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I wake up to Effie knocking on my door and rushing me to prep. We are in District Ten, we will deliver a speech in a couple of hours and then back on the train to the next district. The speech goes by quickly and without any issues. The tour continues like that for the next few districts. In District Six, two people are taken from the square by peacekeepers for the sign. I take a deep breath, not wanting to risk showing my weakness on stage. Peeta squeezes my hand tightly and wraps his arm around me, knowing that what I need the most right now is comfort. We finish with the tour of the districts in district one. We will be in the Capitol in two days. I fall asleep quickly.

As I walk onto the stage in District One, I am handed flowers by a young girl with blond braids. She tells me that she wants to volunteer when she gets older, just like how I did for Prim. I open my mouth to tell her not to do it, to scream. To do anything, make any type of sound, but I can't say anything. I am frozen in place and unable to speak. I wake up with screams escaping my lips. The door to my room opens and Peeta runs in, looking disturbed. I woke him up from his sleep. His robe isn't tied around him, exposing his chest when he walks forward.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. It was just a nightmare."

"No, it's okay. I get them too. Goodnight," He turns to walk out the door to my room.

"Wait... will you stay with me?" I feel safe with him here, his company gives me peace and makes me feel safe.

"Yeah," I can tell my request has caught him off guard, "Of course."

I lift my blanket enough for him to climb into the bed with me. Once he settles in, he pulls the blanket back over us. He leans his head on the pillow, folding his arms under him. I want to feel him closer to me, I want to be held by him the way he held me that night in the games. I lay my head on his chest and drape an arm over him. I feel him slowly wrap an arm around me, testing to see if I am okay with it. I nestle myself in closer to him to show to him that it's okay. I welcome his arm around me, and I am glad to be in his presence. I have grown closer to him over these last couple of weeks. I've begun to feel something different toward Peeta, I don't know what to call it, but I know it's a different feeling than I had when we started the tour. It is like I can be with him, without having to put on such an act. It comes more naturally to us now. I wake the following morning to a pillow under my head. I remember that I had fallen asleep with Peeta, I look around, but my room is empty. I dress quickly and make my way to the dining car. Once I arrive, I see Peeta there with Effie and Haymitch, in a deep discussion.

"Ah, finally. How nice of you to join us," Haymitch greets me as I sit down beside Peeta, "If Snow wanted you to pacify the districts, I promise you he is not happy. You two have sounded like you're reading pages from a drilling manual. You two do not sound in love and you two do not sound grateful for the Capitol granting you both your lives."

"Try reading what Effie gives us," Peeta remarks, forgetting or not caring, that Effie is standing in the room.

"Okay. So try telling that to Snow, when you see him, in two days!"

"Well we're open to suggestions," Peeta says, earning an exasperated sigh from Effie as she leaves the room.

"We can get married," at this point, it could only help the situation.

"Yeah. You're not helping Katniss," Haymitch takes another drink.

"I'm serious. Like you said, this never will end and it will happen eventually. Why not now?"

"It would make a statement to Snow," Haymitch sits his drink back on the table, "It could work."

"Sure. Let's do it then," Peeta seems frustrated by the plan and stands to leave.

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