The Announcement

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A few months have passed since I told Gale about the baby, and he left my house. He has come by a couple of times, dropping stuff of to my mom, but he hasn't said a word to me, hasn't even asked about me since he found out. I'm about six, almost seven months now. I pace along the small deck outside of the bakery, waiting on Peeta to come out. He decided to come see his parents today, they still didn't know about the baby. I place a hand on my stomach, I don't have much of a bump, barely even bloating. Anyone that notices will just assume I've had a large meal or that I'm just bloated. I don't know if Peeta is telling them today or not, but tonight we are telling my mom. My sister is helping us to prepare a dinner, before the capital broadcast about the Quarter Quell. The door to the bakery opens and Mrs. Mellark is standing in the doorway. Her eyes bore into me. I think being in her presence might just scare me more than the thought of Snow.

"Get inside before somebody see's you out here." She keeps her tone even, but I can tell she doesn't like the idea of me being seen on her porch. I walk inside quickly, her shutting the door behind me. "I never congratulated you on winning the games. I truly didn't think I'd see Peeta around again, but I knew you had a chance. I suppose I should thank you, for making sure my son stayed alive."

"Thank you," I look around for Peeta, however he isn't in the bakery anymore, "You're welcome. But to be honest with you, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Peeta. He is the one who actually saved us."

"With the puppy love act?" She scoffs, "If you want to give him credit, go ahead. It was your acting the actually allowed his declaration of love to mean anything."

"He meant it when he said it, so did..." She holds up her hand to stop me.

"Oh, I'm sure he meant it. Afterall, he seemed to pine after you for so long. However, you do not have to lie to me Katniss. I know you don't share those feelings for my son, who could blame you? I know the Hawthorn boy is in love with you, you've spent your entire life around him. He kept your family alive during the games. He's so strong compared to Peeta. Peeta is weak. I know that you can't possibly have real feelings for him. But don't worry, I'll keep the secret safe."

How can she assume how I feel? She has never had any faith in her son, I've seen her beat him many times. We would always wait until she was gone to trade squirrels with his dad, because of how his mom would treat everyone. Now she is standing in front of me telling me she knows I can't love Peeta because he is too weak for me? He isn't Gale, he will never be Gale, but he isn't weak. I remember the look on Peeta's face when he told me what his mother had said to him before we left for the games, she told him that district twelve might finally have a victor... only she wasn't talking about him, she was talking about me. Peeta had placed all his bets on me winning too. The lack of concern and confidence his mother had in him was disheartening to me. Our child will never know how that feels, I will make sure of it. I notice Peeta come down the stairs with his father, walking back into the bakery. I notice a red mark on his cheek, but I don't say anything about it. He walks over to me quickly and wraps his arms around me.

"I suppose congratulations are in order," His father smiles at us softly, "Peeta was just telling me the news."

"What news? We already knew they won the games, and they are supposedly engaged. We do get the capital broadcasts here." He mother rolls her eyes, as though there is no news Peeta could share that is worthy of her time.

"Thank you, Mr. Mellark. It certainly in scary, but we are very excited. We are going to start on a nursery in Peeta's house in the next couple of weeks," I wink at Peeta. This isn't something we have discussed, but it is worth the look of surprise on his mother's face.

"You're pregnant? With Peeta?" She looks between us, seeming confused, "Part of this whole charade, right? How far are you?"

"Almost seven months, and with all respect, it isn't part of any act." I answer his mom.

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