First Night

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The following morning I woke up in Peeta's arms. I felt something I knew all too well, I thought this part of the pregnancy was over. I wiggled out of his arms without waking him and ran into the bathroom barely making it to the toilet before I started to throw up again. There was no way I could do this in the arena every morning. I should have gotten an abortion when I still had the time. What was I thinking? I loved this baby. It was Peeta's and mine. We had a kid of our own now. Once I was finally done I washed out my mouth and walked back out to where Peeta was still asleep. I knew he had been turned on a lot since when we got to the capitol, but we hadn't been able to do anything. I laid back down next to him and took his hand into mine. He started to wake up.

"Hey Kat," he said sleepily.

"Hey," I kissed his cheek and then leaned against him. We had to go into the games in just a few minutes.

"What time is it?"

"Time to go," I stood up and he followed my lead. We walked down to the district 12 entrance together. We reached my prep room and he pushed me back against the wall gently and crashed his lips down on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my hands through his hair. He knew we didn't have any more time and pulled away.

"I'll see you in the arena, I love you."

"I love you too," I said then walked into my room. I saw what was laid out for me, a wet suit. I put it on and realized how tight fit it was on my body. It wasn't because I was pregnant either.

"Given the outfit I'd say either tropics or desert," Cinna said walking in. I looked over at him as he walked over to me. He pinned the mockingjay onto me. The intercom came through and said that I had thirty seconds to launch. He helped me into my tube.

"I'm still betting on you, Girl On Fire," he said as the glass closed. The door suddenly was flung open and four peacekeepers came in. They advanced on Cinna and started to beat him. He was flung against the tube and a bit of blood was left behind on it. I was suddenly aware of my screaming. I felt some tears run down my face as the tube started to rise.

            I rose up into the arena, it was a beach with a jungle surrounding it. I looked around trying to find Peeta, I couldn't see him, he had to be on the other side of the cornucopia, which was in the middle on an island. There were ten seconds left before the games began. This is no place for the girl on fire. The starting noise sounded and I dove into the water and swam to the island it seemed as though everyone else delayed before diving in. I grabbed the bow and the arrows beside it. Finnick was suddenly behind me, he held up his wrist and he had on Haymitch's bracelet.

"Good thing we're allies right," he asked, "Duck." I did and he threw his trident at someone killing them. He ran and picked up the women I knew as Mags, lifting her onto his back. He ran back to me and we started to where Peeta would be. I saw him struggling against someone in the water, before he was pulled under. Finnick set Mags down and dove into rescue Peeta. I heard a cannon boom and every part of my body froze. Finnick froze in the water and Peeta surfaced. I took a deep breath and they swam back over to us. I helped Peeta up. Once they were both up Finnick lifted Mags back onto his back and we ran toward the jungle.

Peeta was in front of us with a curved knife, that I couldn't place the name of, he was cutting through the vines. I noticed a forcefield, Peeta was swingging the knife right toward it.

"PEETA! STOP," I yelled, too late. His knife hit the force field and flung him back. Finnick set down Mags and ran over. Peeta's heart had stopped. Finnick immediately placed his lips against Peeta's. He was giving him CPR. I hoped Peeta's heart would start again. I couldn't help but cry and kneel beside them. I heard a cannon go off again and like earlier I froze.  Peeta couldn't be dead! He just couldn't! But could he?

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