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This chapter does have the skinny dipping/sex scene in it. However, it is very mild. No detail about anything. However, if you do not wish to read it, then skip from 'That's all the want' down to 'afterwards'. It is only one paragraph. Enjoy the chapter!

"Who's taking the first watch," Johanna asked.

"Peeta and me can, we have to get our daughter to sleep anyway and Finnick is already asleep. He can take the next watch, then you, then Beetee."

"Okay," she walked over to where Finnick was and laid down. I walked over to Peeta.

"Is she asleep," I whispered just in case.

"Almost," he smiled at me, "She's beautiful Katniss, like you." I blushed and smiled, sitting next to him.

"Thanks Peeta, but she has your eyes." I scooted over closer to him.

"Are you cold?"

"A little."

"Come here," he said wrapping the arm that wasn't holding our now sleeping daughter around me.

"I told Johanna we'd take first watch."

"Okay, you can sleep for a bit if you want."

"No. I want us to take it together, we need to talk about some things." I sighed slightly. I loved having our daughter here with us, but what was he going to do when he got home with her. The only way to get her out of here was for Peeta or me to live, and I knew I couldn't live without him, I mean I guess I would have to, but it would be hard and not something I'm willing to do.

"I'm going to lay her down with Johanna and Finnick," he said and stood up. I watched as he walked over and carefully handed Rose to Johanna who was almost asleep herself. He started walking back toward me. When he got back he sat down and pulled me into his lap.

"What do you want to talk about," he asked slightly concerned.

"Us and Rose."

"We're a family now Katniss."

"I know, when one of us goes home, the other one has to be there for Rose. My mom will help with her, so will Prim, but one of us is leaving this arena. One of us has to. We have to get her out of here Peeta." He kissed me softly.

"I know Katniss. But there's no way to plan that, we don't know which one of us will die, although I don't want it to be you, I won't let it be you. But you won't let it be me. One of us has to give in, but I refuse to let you die. I love you Katniss."

"I love you more. " I forced a smile.

"If you say so," he smiled and laughed a little, "I'm going to wash off, I'll be back in a little bit."

"Okay, be careful," he kissed me then sat me down beside him before walking to the water.

"No peeking," he said jokingly. I looked out at the water then at the jungle around us. If we stayed here, we'd be as safe as possible in the arena. I looked back to where Peeta had been standing a few minutes ago, his wetsuit was on the ground. I walked over to the edge of the water and put my feet in, there were cameras all around here, probably all on Peeta now. I heard Gales words in my head, They just want a good show, that's all they want.

I took a deep breath then walked a few steps further into the water and tossed my wetsuit back next to Peeta's on the sand. Everyone else was asleep, so they wouldn't see. I walked over beside him and then turned to face him. His face a mix between shock and awe, slowly he leaned toward me and began kissing me. I wrapped my arms around him neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist and gently pulled my further into the water, then eventually under the water, so that only our heads were above the surface, while still kissing me.

Afterwards he gently took my hand and we walked back toward the shore. I kneeled down into the water, while he walked to the shore to get our wetsuits. He was easily able to keep himself out of the view of the cameras. He slid his suit on then walked mine out to me. I put it on quickly and then allowed him to pull me into another kiss. He pulled back after a few seconds and we walked over to Finnick.

"You want to wake him," I asked.

"Sure," Peeta leaned down and shook Finnick carefully.

"What," Finnick said with his voice groggy.

"It's your turn to take watch," I informed him. He stood up and so did Peeta.

"Okay. Who's after me?"

"Johanna." He nodded and then Peeta and me walked down the beach a little bit. He sat down and then pulled me down into his lap.

"I love you Katniss," his voice was passionate.

"I love you too, Peeta." He laid back. I laid down beside him, only instead of putting my head in the sand, I laid my head down on Peeta's chest and curled up to him. He wrapped an arm around me. I could hear his heart beating, a sound that no matter what he said, wasn't going to stop. I slowly fell asleep listening to the sound of his heart.

I woke up to Peeta moving around, trying to get up without waking me.


"I'm sorry Kat, I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep."

"Where are you going?"

"Nowhere, just stretching," he was lying.

"Peeta, where are you going?"

"I want to talk to Beetee, then I'll be back, promise."

"What time is it?"

"About six I think," I stood up and he sighed, "Really Kat, I'll be right back."

"I'm going to get Rose," I stood up and walked over to Johanna, my daughter was beside her. I carefully picked her up trying not to wake them. Rose opened her eyes anyway.

"Hi baby girl," I smiled down at her. I looked over at Peeta, he was standing in front of Beetee and they seemed to be talking about something important. I sat down at the edge of the water and began to feed Rose, I was so thankful that Haymitch put everything we would need for her into a bag and sent it to us. After she finished eating I changed her diaper. Peeta came back over and sat beside us. Johanna and Finnick got up shortly after and Beetee announced he had a plan. He began to explain his plan to us, he was going to use a wire and wrap it around the tree then run the wire onto the beach to electrocute the sand and anyone on it, killing them. We decided to leave the beach and go to the tree close to sundown.

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