Post Engagement Nightmare

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I return to my room on the train and complete my nightly routine of removing my makeup and undoing my hair. I rinse it out in the sink and begin to brush through it. Haymitch's words keep running through my mind. There is no way I'm falling in love with Peeta, not this quickly. I'm getting closer to him and I like being with him, but that doesn't mean I'm in love with him. I hear a soft knock on my door, interrupting my thoughts, which I am grateful for. I walk to the door, opening it and breathing in a sigh of relief when I see Peeta standing there. I invite him in and he walks into the room, leaning against the dresser along the far wall.

"What's going on," I ask him, he usually would've sat down on the bed.

"I just came to tell you that you did good tonight, almost had me believing that act," He shrugs his shoulders as he speaks, as though it doesn't bother him that he believes my feelings may be nothing more than an act.

"It was a good speech," I offer and smile at him, "Almost felt as if you actually wanted to propose to me."

"That's not exactly what I would've said, but it was all true," He walks over to me, "Even if you don't feel that way. Goodnight Katniss, and thank you for such a good act tonight."

"Peeta," I reach out for his hand, "will you stay with me again?"

"Katniss, you don't have to pretend, especially not with me..."

"No. I want you to stay with me. You make me feel safe and I want you here."

"Okay. Yeah, I'll stay." He walks toward me and finally sits down on my bed. Both of us are ready for bed, although neither of us seem tired, "Do you mind if I shower first? I feel like I haven't been able to get all of this makeup Effie caked onto me off." I laugh as he says this, leave it to Effie to plaster makeup on both of us.

"Sure, go ahead. I actually need to wash mine off too."

"Not at the same time as me?" I can feel his eyes roaming over my body, something tells me he would love if I say yes.

"No, not the same time. I'll just go after you. Just uh crack the door when you're done and I'll come in."

"Okay," he stands up, "Not like we need to save water here."

He shrugs as walks into my bathroom. I hear the water turning on and lay back against my bed. How did we go from barely speaking to each other to joking about showering together? It's not like I would know what friends do. I've never had many friends, so maybe it is just normal friend behavior. Gale is one of my only friends and we've never talked about that before, not even as a joke. I lay on the bed, staring out the window of the train. Tomorrow I will be at Snow's mansion, however I still don't know if I have fulfilled my purpose, if I have made everyone believe my actions were out of love for Peeta. If I have convinced him that I love Peeta. The door to the bathroom opens slightly and I realize I don't hear the water anymore. I stand up, walking over and knocking on the door.

"You can come in Katniss," Peeta tells me from the other side.

"Are you dressed?" I hear Peeta laugh, this is probably a stupid question. He wouldn't have opened the door if he wasn't dressed.

"I'm good," he continues to laugh as I open the door.

I walk into the bathroom and catch sight of him. He is partially dressed at least. I watch as he runs a comb through his wet hair. He is wearing only a pair of grey boxers and towel, which is wrapped loosely around his waist, revealing more than it should be and waiting to fall at any minute. He doesn't have a shirt on. I take in the sight of his bare chest, I've seen it before, but never like this. His abs have become more defined since I saw him without his shirt last. If I was some random girl from the district, I would've already thrown myself at him.

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