See you at...

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I sat on the beach and looked out over the water. The sky was a gray color and the water looked calmer than it had been. There was light breeze blowing. It was slowly getting dark, it was about dusk now. We would be leaving soon. Rose was asleep in Johanna's arms when I walked down here. I still didn't trust them fully. After tonight the six of us we would probably would be the only ones left. I heard footsteps behind me and turned around, ready to draw my bow if I needed to. It was only Peeta, he sat down next to me. We turned to face each other. I saw Finnick ankle deep in the water, swinging his trident around over his head. I looked over at Johanna and Beetee, they were talking, Johanna's ax was stuck in the sand. Rose was laying down next to Johanna on her blanket. I smiled a little then turned back to Peeta. My chest felt heavy. I hated to do this, but I think it would be the only way to guarantee Rose's safety.

"I think that we need to leave," I finally managed to force the words out. Peeta was looking out at the water turned to face me.

"His plan is going to work Katniss," Peeta sighed, seeming upset.

"I think it will too. But Peeta, as soon as the careers are dead, we both know what will happen next," I took a deep breath and looked into his eyes, "I don't want us to be the one that shoots first."

"Well what if they don't want to either Katniss? What if all of us refuse to be the one to shoot first?"

"We could still end up dead," my voice sounded emotionless, even though I was screaming inside.

"Well maybe not. It worked for us last time didn't it?" I rolled my eyes, this wasn't like last time.

"They will never make that same mistake again. You know, I know, only one person is coming out of this arena alive. It's going to have to be one of us." He looked back out over the water. I could tell he didn't agree with me, but he knew I had a point.

"The careers are still out there. How about this, we stick with these guys until midnight, then if we hear a canon we take Rose and we go."

We sat in silence for a few minutes. He looked into my eyes and I looked back over to where Rose was. She still slept silently, completely unaware of the danger surrounding her. Completely innocent. If Peeta nor me came out alive, could I depend on one of them to take her? I couldn't risk it. Him or me one was leaving this arena. One of us has to live. Johanna was chopping at the sand with her ax.  Peeta looked back at me.

"Katniss," he looked torn, like he was trying to collect his thoughts, he took a deep breath then continued, "I, I don't know what type of deals you have made with Haymitch, but you know, he did make me promises too."

I felt like I could cry. I didn't want to lose him, ever.  I looked at him, hoping my eyes weren't watery. He slowly started to take off his pendent, twisting it around in his hand. He looked down at it, as though it was the only thing keeping him alive and he had to give it away. He looked like he was giving up.

"If you'd die, and I'd live, I have nothing. Nobody else that I care about, besides Rose," he finally said.

"Peeta," I sighed.

"No. It's different for you Katniss. Your family needs you," he handed me his pendent. I looked down at it, and my breath caught. In the inside were three pictures. One of my mom, one of Prim, and one of Gale. I could feel the tears stinging my eyes.

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