Part 20

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You guys reach the new Avengers compound. Only Nat and Steve are home. The others are at a Party at Tony's.

"Nat, we are here," You say knocking on the door.

"Oh, hi. Come in," Nat says and you guys come in.

"Nice house," Bucky says.

"Hi Y/N, Winnie and Buck?" Steve says seeing Bucky. 

"I though Y/N and Winnie were just coming?" Steve whispering to Nat.

"I thought that to," Nat says whispering back.

"You forgot me and Bucky are super soldier to meaning we have super hearing," You say folding your arms.

"I am here because I asked and am I not able to see my best friend?" Bucky says.

"Well- ok," Steve says.

"Let's eat," Nat says.

You guys finish eating and talking.

"Hey, Winnie is exhausted," Bucky says tapping you on the shoulder.

"Um- we need to go. Winnie is tired," You say to Nat.

"Oh ok, bye," Nat says. You and Bucky say your goodbyes to Steve and Nat.

"Come on little girl," You say carrying Winnie. You and Bucky put on yalls shoes. Bucky puts on Winnie's.

"Hey, I am going to teleport back home. Do you mind bringing the car back?" You ask Bucky whispering.

"Yeah sure. Where are the car keys?" Bucky asks and you give him the car keys. You teleport Winnie and you back home.  You put Winnie into the bed.

"Goodnight my little angel," You say kissing her forehead. You go back to your room and fall asleep.

"Who the hell was screaming," You say waking up from your sleep from the sound of someone screaming.

"Shhhhh," You say calming down Winnie who was crying from the scream. You put Winnie back to bed and head to Buckys room.

"Again? Lets see what you are dreaming about," You say as your eyes turn red reading Bucky's mind.

"James, wake up," You say trying to wake him up and he is up. 

"I was reliving what happened to you in my head," Bucky says.

"I know, I can read minds. How long has this been happening?" You ask.

"Since I came out of ice in Wakanda," Bucky says.

"Oh, let me try something," You say as your eyes turn red taking Bucky's pain away. 

"Should work. Goodnight," You say walking out of his room.

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