Chapter Fifty One

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Tears had been what I had expected to find when Ronin and I finally made it to the dining hall that most often hosts the scholars... But instead we found it nearly empty, a surprised Master Qiao widening his eyes at us, likely trying to understand our sudden appearance...

"If you are looking for India, he is studying with Jian at the moment. Check the libraries" the older scholar makes his voice sound light and airy, likely to try and ease the panic I know he must see on our faces... Despite having to be loud enough to be heard... His tone somehow seems to calm more than not... Even if it does still feel like my heart is attempting to race its way right out of my chest as a means to get to our beloved faster...




It is with the quickest of thanks that we depart from the dining hall where we had found Master Qiao enjoying a few moments with the pupils that take slightly longer to break their fast than others... And then Kavya and I find ourselves trying not to full-on sprint down the dark halls of this palace in order to find which library our slight wife is nestled in to for today...

I know he must be confused over our absence... And possibly even hurting...

My soul feels partially crushed from the guilt of making him wonder where we are and if we possibly walked away completely from him last night... Which neither of us would ever even dream of or entertain even for a moment...

I know both Kavya and I have missed him, even if we did need time to collect ourselves mentally so that we might show him the respect and decorum he deserves instead of the impulsiveness we almost fell prey to yesterday... When we had been so wound up that it had been hard not imagining our beautiful India half robbed down by the trickle of water that is the river we so love next to the glade Kavya and I rest in after making love...

It had been such an enticing thought that now I feel guilty over entertaining shattering some of our India's lovely purity and innocence... Such carnal ways not something our scholar has likely been privy to before now having been sheltered so wonderfully by his fellow scholars and before that his family...




"I am sure there is nothing to worry over, India. They're in the guard... The schedule that Kavya and Ronin keep will likely not be of their own control for some time" I know Jian is only trying to soothe me...

But his words only leave me feeling more and more riddled with an unfamiliar nervousness that I do not have a true name for... A deep uneasiness in my soul that worries over something happening to the 2 men I have grown so fond and attached to over these last few days...

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