Chapter Twenty Five

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It was so very easy for them to tell me that they wished I dream of them tonight... But in order to do that... I would actually have to settle down and actually sleep...

But in order to sleep... I would actually have to rid my mind of the wonderous pair that somehow have seen fit to not only court me... But have already imagined marrying me... And so soon in fact... Going so far as to change their plans in order to accommodate accepting me into their current relationship and adjusting the plans they had made for the future... Plans that when they told me of them put such a beautiful feeling smile on my face that even now my lips are aching with how it still has not left my face...

I never imagined that Kavya and Ronin would see fit to change the plans they had made in order to make it to where the 3 of us might have an actual future together where we did not have to wait to be together... Where we would all be staying together... We would marry and then we would be able to room here together, regardless of whether or not they are actively working here, and vice versa...

If I so chose to I would be able to leave the scholars and simply live as a soldiers wife in the barracks with my two wonderful men and then the three of us could all leave and find ourselves the nice plot of land they had spoken of with a house where we would be able to create the largest of happy families together... But only if I chose...

Ronin made it very clear that neither he nor Kavya would ever ask me to step away from my studies, and just like how I could retire from my studies and join them... They made it more than clear that they are prepared to do the same... They made it very apparent that they would not ever be leaving my side... And that as long as I wish to stay in the palace and pursue knowledge for knowledge's sake that they would be right here... By my side the entire time supporting me...

As someone who has so far been able to depend on so few... The feeling is a strange one... To know that now somehow there is not 1 dragon... But 2... That want to stand by my side and protect me... That now when I walk the halls here I shall never have to do it alone if they are off duty... That suddenly... Just when I had so badly been wishing for an answer of any kind in regards to what love is and why everyone seems so taken with it so that I might understand how it drives others to such extremes like with the King and his grief... I found my answer in the form of two men... Both so different from each other but somehow so much the same...

Who am I to have found myself so very lucky?

It was such a shock when they came after me in the dining hall... I had been so near fainting thinking that they had been there to cause a scene and scold me for eavesdropping so unintentionally... And in the end, I was worried for not for they had instead come to apologize... And so swiftly set their eyes on wooing me that I daresay all of the palaces that has noticed is still in the process of understanding just what has taken place so openly...

I have gone so quickly from not understanding desire in the least to being the object of desire for two shifters whose flames burn so brilliantly in their bellies that their warmth is still felt in my arms even now, with the two of them tucked away in their cot together so far from where I am...

It is not a bad feeling... Not in the way that I thought it might be...

I do not feel frightened or scared... I do not feel overwhelmed in a bad way... I do not find myself confused or lacking understanding any longer...

I feel safe... And wanted... And as I lay here staring at the window where I am hoping that their song shall float through again in the morning once more while the last few flames in our fireplace sputter and putter about trying to get everything they can out of what remains of the logs that had been so carefully piled up...

I cannot help but hope that these feelings last... And that I shall never have to know what it feels like to be unwanted ever again... For I did not even realize how lonely I was... And that loneliness is something I want very far from my person... While my Ronin and Kavya are wanted as close as they can physically be to my person... Every moment of every day... And eventually... Every night...

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