Chapter Seventy Three

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It almost seems like I've somehow fallen into fairy tale of some sort... The way things seem to have changed.

Not too long ago we had been standing in front of India's door discussing with Master Qiao the changes that must be made to protect ourselves from falling being called treasonous for not surrendering me and my hair and for admitting out loud to Qiao that we were privy to a conversation that had not been meant for our ears... And now we are sitting in the very same library that our world seems to have fallen apart in... With India switching so casually between sitting in Ronin's lap and sitting in mine every time he has to get up to retrieve a scroll or assist Jian with a translation... His smile all flirting and mischief despite the crumbling of what I had assumed was our reality.

It is not that I do not find myself appreciative... Especially with the tender kisses I keep finding myself gifted... My face, shoulders, and lips positively peppered and pampered by India's pillowy soft pecks... The tone having shifted so intensely from yesterday or even last night.

"You seem to be feeling very... free with yourself, India... Are you well?"

I feel as though it is only natural for Jian to feel offput and slightly scandalized watching us pass our wife back and forth and doing it so freely even though yesterday we agreed to keep our heads down.

It hadn't occurred to Ronin or myself to clue Jian in on what the plan is for now... But to be fair... I had assumed that Master Qiao would have found a way to communicate it to him during our morning meal or in the moment they shared after when it was time for the Scholar's to break apart and observe self study time... And I think it's fair to assume that Ronin assumed the same...

"If we are to get in trouble... I prefer it be for being just a touch indecent with my husbands, Jian. Surely you understand..." India's response starts as a whisper, but then fleshes itself out with the most stunning flush I've ever seen as he leans into me, not even attempting to hide his face or the sky smile on it.

"I dont see why we need to get in trouble at all." Jian's response is partially hissed... But somehow also understanding in it's own way, "But I cannot deny that I would rather be curled up with Qiao right now in his study."




I do not believe I've ever stiffened so quickly in my life as I stare upon the closest friend I have made in this awful obsidian palace  so far, "You've been to his study?? When? And is that how you know what's done between lovers?!"

The words spring from my mouth without thinking, and the flush that it inspires in Jian is far more fierce than anything I've ever seen on him before, his response being slow to come to him and stammered, "I-India! You aren't supposed to just ask that of people!"

"When would you have gone to his study though? We live together and study together? I am always with you!" It seems as though I cannot help myself, even in front of my husbands...

This should be a private conversation and that I understand... it is just that somehow I find myself shocked that my sweet Jian, the friend that seemingly has nothing better to do than chaperone me and my new spouses...

"W-... India... Lee and I have been bonded for years now... Since I first came here... Certainly you didn't think we were being entirely chaste... Did you?" Jian's smile as he thinks of their stolen moments warms my heart... But also makes me ache thinking about how the two of them are doomed to continue sneaking around instead of just marrying and being together openly... Just because Master Qiao is in charge of the upcoming scholars and it would be seen as inappropriate for him to marry Jian before he's officially a Master Scholar himself.

"His first name is Lee?" it's one of the first complete sentences that have sprouted from Ronin since the last time I was seated in his lap, his mind clearly too focused on what new and wonderful way he wants to caress my thighs through my robes under the table next, "We've been stationed here in the palace for over a decade... And friends with him? How did we not know that?"




"We just found out that the 2 of them have been discussing intimacies between lovers and you're focused on Qiao's first name?" the disbelief in Kavya's voice as he stares at me, his eyebrows held high as he keeps a firm grip on India's hip as our sweet wife giggles.

"I'm not concerned with the secrets they share as friends... Just as long as your tutelage stays purely verbal, Jian... Not that I think you'd go after India in a romantic sense... Not when you have... Lee!" I cannot contain the chuckle that leaves my lips as I try and contain myself at the strangeness of learning Master Qiao's first name when before I had assumed it was just... Qiao.

Somehow it seems incredulous... But somehow so stunningly normal. Somehow a man of such high standing, with a mind that can and does run laps around my own... Well, his name is Lee, and he sneaks time away with his Lover when he can.

It just somehow seems so comical... The man we have trusted with coming up with a plan that is supposed to see us through the current turmoil we are all in... The man who is so in control of his beast he can warm himself without affecting the temperature in the room...

He is just like the three of us.

And somehow... That feels fitting.

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