Haunted Past... Hunted Present...

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"Aww, aren't you just the cutest!"

"You can call me, Mommy, sweetheart."

"You're wearing this whether you like it or not, brat."

"Don't make me give you tickles~"

"Well hello there, cutie~"

"I think I'll keep you to piss off, Blitz."

"Mama, don't you DARE even think about touching him!"

"What does she see in you?"

"I think I can call you my new baby brother."

"Do you really think you, a mere human, deserves to even be in our presence?!"

"This deal is nonnegotiable, imp. This human human child is staying with us!"

"Hello little critter~"

"Aww, poor baby. Don't worry, I'll protect you."

"He belongs to us!"

"He's my baby brother!"

"You can't have him!"





I woke up in my bed from the same weird yet haunting dream. They've been occurring for as long as I could remember.

They first started after I suffered from a psychological trauma when I was five years old. I had to go through therapy just so I could sleep without having a nightmarish episode. But while the nightmares faded as time went by, they tend to occur from time to time. But they no longer faze me enough to call them nightmares. I just don't care anymore.

As for what the dreams are, they're basically about how I was taken by monsters after they killed my criminal uncle, and I kept getting taken by more monsters. They were obsessed with me for some reason.

That's not even the crazy part.

For some reason, it was only the girl monsters that wanted to keep me. They either wanted me as their child, pet, or little brother.

I never told anyone about the dreams, other than my therapist. But there is one part I purposely left out, and I'd rather not talk about it whatsoever.

I was never physically harmed by the monsters. That is until they tried to make me into one of them...

... I'd rather not finish that part...

Anyways, long story short, I was brought to the authorities with no recollection as to who brought me there. Afterwards, I was temporarily put into an orphanage until detectives could find any living relatives to care for me.

They didn't find anyone.

Ever since then, I've been living in the orphanage. No one wanted to adopt me.

... I just realized you have no idea who I am.

My name's Jessie Drackus. I'm a sixteen year old caucasian orphan boy with short brown hair, and green eyes. I like reptiles, music, and I have no friends or family.

There. Happy? Good.

Now excuse me while I go through the daily morning routine before I go to school.

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