Aftermath of the Shitshow.

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Before we get into the aftermath of what happened with Jessie and Saber Thorn, here's some more fan art!

This fantastic fan art was created by one of my viewers known as @ToastGhostmen and I gotta say, I really love the smoke and lightning in this

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This fantastic fan art was created by one of my viewers known as @ToastGhostmen and I gotta say, I really love the smoke and lightning in this.

Also, I finally got the official design of Jessie Drackus drawn! Check it out. THE MOMENT WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!!!

I know it's not much, but it's the best I could do given the description I gave him

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I know it's not much, but it's the best I could do given the description I gave him. Also, no those aren't red boots, they're his shoes. Just wanted to point it out.

The title, and plot of this chapter was given to me by SoryuSigma as well as the chapter title and plot for the chapter after this.

Now that I have Jessie's appearance finally revealed, let's continue with the story.

(Update: Chapter has been edited a little.)


(Play music up top. 0:00 - 3:25)

Pentagram City, Three V's Studio...

We cut back to outside the studio, where a few demons had stuck around to watch the chaos unfold before Saber Thorn and his raptors fled the scene after making a dramatic exit.

Three of the spectators are Summer, Dia, and Angel Dust.

Angel Dust had fled as soon as she could after Jessie gave her an opening earlier, and had contacted her friend. She had been waiting on a nearby rooftop for her friend to arrive, and then the chaos erupted from the studio's main floor down below. People ran, and screamed in terror as something was happening inside, but Angel didn't move from her spot for fear of being found by Valentino.

However, she didn't have to worry about him to her surprise when she saw a hulking anthropomorphic saurian monster toss the headless bodies of Vox and Valentino into the street before taking off with four raptors.

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