Secrets of Paimon.

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Alright, here's the mini chapter! It'll be shorter than the other chapters since there won't be a whole lot crammed into this one. Just a fight scene, and some mystery in regards to Rick's AND Jessie's heritage.

Before you say anything, no they're not related.

Speaking of Jessie, I'm officially editing his name to be "Jesse" since it's the more male equivalent to "Jessie" even though both are technically gender neutral. I figured I'd change it now before it drives me crazy.

Also, I'm gonna say this now, if some of the girls don't make an appearance, or barely appear, I'll try to include them in the sequel. But I'm not making promises.

Also the fight scene between Martha and Mayberry isn't gonna be as epic as Saber Thorn's fight was with Vox and Valentino since they have a machete and a metal bat. It's also short, just so you know.

Anyways, let's continue.


Where we last left off, Jesse had found out that he's been revealed to all of hell on the news. He was then ambushed by another demon of his past, the demonic cannibal known as Martha. Not long afterwards, another demon woman appeared, and attacked Martha with a cup of hot coffee while wielding a metal baseball bat. Jesse didn't stick around long enough to find out why she did it, just that she gave him time to run, and he hoped she didn't find him.

He really hoped she didn't find him... whoever she is. Regardless, he doesn't need another demon girl chasing his ass at the moment. Especially after what he just recently went through.

Anyways, Martha, managed to get the hot coffee out of her eye, and sees that it's the school teacher that tried to kill her when she was alive.

"Well, if it ain't the bitch that tried to kill me when I was alive!" Martha spat with a malicious sharp toothed grin as she stood back up.

"And you got what you fucking deserved, you demonic man-eating hillbilly slut!" Mayberry spat back angrily.

"We're both demonic now, stupid." Martha pointed out.

"I meant before you were killed, dumbass." Mayberry pointed out.

"Whatever! Why bother risking your neck for some human boy anyways?" Martha asked.

"One, I'm not letting him fall victim to a crazy bitch like you! Two, I knew him when he was little while I was alive! So I'm keeping you away from him!" Mayberry explained.

"Funny. He didn't seem to know you, nor care." Martha smirked with a smug attitude.

"Of course he wouldn't! Because I look like this now, because of YOU!!!" Mayberry yelled angrily.

"I'm not the one who did a mini massacre over a video chat in front of your students." Martha jabbed, her evil sharp toothed grin growing wider.

"FUCK YOU!!!" Mayberry screamed before she began to swing her metal bat at Martha.

Martha blocked a swing with her machete, and blocked a couple more swings from the former teacher.

"You couldn't kill me then, and you can't kill me now, bitch!" Martha taunted.

"FUCK OFF!!!" Mayberry yelled, side kicking Martha in the leg to throw her off balance.

Mayberry took a swing with her bat, and managed to hit Martha in the arm, making her yelp in pain. She then quickly returns with another swing, this time hitting her on the side of the face, and knocking her down to the ground while making Martha let go of her machete.

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