The Monsters Return.

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Jessie's POV:

The goth girl called out to me as she approached in my direction. I'm the only one at this school that where's a brown hoodie at this school whenever it's not blazing hot outside. I had no idea who this goth chick is, but she seemed familiar to me.

Scarily familiar.

I decided to look around myself to be absolutely certain she was talking to me, and not someone else that got a new brown hoodie or something. Seeing that I'm still the only one in a brown hoodie, and the fact that I still had food in my mouth, I looked back at her, then pointed at myself with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes, you." She confirmed, sounding irritated.

'Dammit.' I thought to myself irritably. I really didn't want to be bothered.

I swallowed my food, and spoke back.

"What do you want?" I asked with a disinterested tone.

She sat down in the seat in front of me, and while she looked like a teen, she was actually a young adult.

That's my assumption at least.

Now that she's right in front of me, she definitely looks familiar...

... and that scares me for some reason.

"You look familiar, and I'm trying to figure out if we've met before. Because I feel like we have." She said.

"Doubt it. I think I would've remembered a goth girl like you from somewhere." I said, a little weirded out that a stranger walked up to me to ask that.

But I'd be a lying dumbass if I said she wasn't hot.

"Well, dude, something about you is driving me fucking nuts. So out with it. Who are you?" She asked, more like bluntly demanded.

Who the hell does she think she is?

"Why the hell should I tell you?" I glared.

She glared back me. "Because I wanna know."

"Well tough shit, bitch, because I'm a nobody." I snapped.

"Well I'm not leaving until you give me some answers!" She snapped back.

I growl irritably. I wanted to snap back at her again, but I also don't want to make a scene, and it'll draw too much attention.

Figuring that she might leave if I give her an answer, I, much to my irritation, comply.

"I'm Jessie Drackus." I said, my tone filled with annoyance.

The girl's face went from anger to shocked in an instant. Her eyes widened the moment I said my name.

"W-What did you say?" She asked.

"Jessie. Drackus." I said slowly, "Now piss off!" I snapped, getting up from my seat while grabbing my food tray, and heading inside.


Loona's POV:

I couldn't believe what I just heard. It all started to click.

His scent.

His looks... even though they're more mature looking.

His name was what tied it all in.

Jessie Drackus.

... It's him...


I quickly got up from my seat, and ran back over to where Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie are.

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